Wednesday 30 November 2011

One Whole Month.......Here's to many More

Well one month of daily blogging has passed already!!!
So much has happened, so many thoughts, ideas, ponderings, experiences and poems.
I've made a commitment, that I hope to continue!

I am enjoying this immensely, it is really giving me the chance to find out more about myself.  We all tend to muse over things, but to then write them down allows me to keep a record.  I suppose many of the posts so far mirrors my inner most thoughts, so they tend to have a serious and more spiritual side to them. 

This doesn't always come across in real life - I think???  I love nothing more than a laugh and joke, usually at something surreal and downright silly!  I'm guessing that this is how I balance myself out?

Anyway I've lots more to look into, research, watch, review, try, and make sense there will be plenty more blogs to come.  As I explore through the cosmos I will always try to capture the moments, much the same as I do with my photography. 

I'm hoping to introduce a new section that will be based on the day of the year - so anything that is associated with that day will also feature, along with whichever subject that has been picked.


Moon - Waxing Crescent 33%

Yoga - Sun Salutation

Card Message - Prince of Swords (Air, Thinking, Intellect & Mind)
Intelligent, Articulate, Impetuous
A radical change in your lifestyle or your routine:  new friends may appear, or a whole new life may open up for you - impending air travel.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thank you for the music

I love music and I can't imagine a world without it, it's an integral part of who we are.  We have played and danced to music for millenia, we've used it to tell stories and to convey messages, and it is also used for meditation and relaxation.

From the earthy beat of tribal drums to the moving harmonies of an orchestra,  and from the foot stomping folk tunes to trance like sounds of drum and bass

Music has a profound effect on our well being, it can really lift the spirits, and we can lose ourselves within the songs.  It has the ability to bring about happiness or sadness and can remind us of forgotten memories, bringing the past into the present.  It can also transport us into different worlds and landscapes.  It seeps into our skin and serges through our veins, until we become the music.  Sometimes we find certain songs or passages of music can be so beautiful that its spine tingling.

We can feel liberated from listening to it, as it changes our perspectives and allows us the freedom to let feel that you have been unshackled and a means to escape.  Free to dress outlandishly, dance wildly and sing loudly!!!!

There's music in the sighing of a reed;
There's music in the gushing of a rill;
There's music in all things, if men had ears:
Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.
~Lord Byron

 What ever you listen to, turn it up and go with it!!!

Moon - Waxing Crescent 26%

Yoga - Warriors 1 & 2, Standing Gate Sequence, Fish, Child, Triangle, Spinal Twist

Card Message - King Of Swords (Thinking, Inteelect & Mind)
Positive and helpful advice - particularly legal or financial.  A need for intellectual honesty, justice or discipline.  The need to possibly make a decision based on facing facts and maybe making a sacrifice.

Monday 28 November 2011


The Morrighan, High Queen and goddess of the Tuatha De' Danann is a triple goddess.  Morrighan also called Morrigan, Morgan, Morgause, Morgeian, Morgan LeFay, the Morigu, Morgaine and Morgana.
As a triple aspect she was called Macha when she worked her magic with the blood of the slain, Badb when she took on the form of a giantess and warned soldiers of their fortunes on the eve of battle and also as the shape shifting Neman.  All three could slip into the form of crows, which would be seen around battlefields.

Badb - (Vulture) The washer at the ford - the clothes she washed were not her own, they were the garments of soldiers ready for battle.  Warriors on the march would dread meeting Badb, when they crossed a stream, for fear of seeing her washing garments that they recognised as their own, for it would predict their death on the battlefield

Macha - (Battle) After battle Macha would cloak herself in Carrion bird feathers as she wandered through the slain.  The dead bodies of the side that she favoured would be interred, but those of the opposing side would be dismembered and their heads would be impaled on stakes, raised up in rings to her honour.

Neman - (Frenzy)  It is thought that perhaps Neman was the first to devise ritual wailing over death, this sound would accompany the soul of the dead to their final resting place. 

 She was also associated with fertility and sexuality, she tried to seduce the hero Cu Chulainn in the guise of a young maiden and stood astride her ford to have intercourse with the Daghda - the father god of the Tuatha De Danann, on the feast of Samhain.

Morrighan is a wonderful Goddess for strong, independent women, especially those on a warrior path.

Moon - Waxing Crescent 19%

Yoga - Earth Salutation, Butterfly, Cat, Downward Dog, Hare

Card Message - Princess of Wands (Intuition, spirit)
Your outgoing side.  A dynamic person who will inspire your involvement in creative projects.  A communication relating to the beginning of a new venture.  A faster pace of life.

Sunday 27 November 2011

The Curveball

Life has a habit of throwing curveballs and we're never ready for them!!  Everything seems fine and dandy and then out of the blue you're suddenly faced with an issue or challenge, that's needs dealing with.  I know the curveball pattern now, its usually when I am too complacent, with a feeling 'that all is well in my world'! 
On its sudden arrival we can feel so ill equipped and prepared to handle it, that it can be quite a shock!

So at this point I will share something I've just read in Deepak Chopra's - 'The Book Of Secrets'

My deeper self created this situation.
Whatever happens, there is a reason.
I am surprised, but this doesn't affect who I am.
My life is unfolding according to what is best and most evolutionary for me.
I can't lose what is real.  The externals will fall into place as they need to.
Whatever happens, I can't be hurt.

With this in mind now, everything has a slightly different perspective and doesn't seem so scary - for it is through overcoming our challenges that we grow and strengthen our souls.

Moon - Waxing Crescent 12%

Yoga -

Card Message - The Magician
Realising your dreams, time for action, use your willpower and your focus to take the first steps towards achieving your purpose.  Stay focused and open to inspiration.  Doubt and preoccupation with self inhibits flow of energy.  Trust and let go of worries about your life to allow creative energy to flow

Saturday 26 November 2011

Gong Bath Meditation - My Journey

Having never been to a Gong Bath meditation I had no preconceived ideas about what I was going to experience or even what it was about. The idea is that the sound from the gongs can aid the meditation, either as you concentrate on the sound or the sound breaks up the line of thoughts that continually flow through your head, which often make it difficult to meditate. The meditation was to last between 1 -1  1/2 hours and would use the sound of various sized singing bowls and gongs that the sound therapist would play.  We all had mats to lie on, cushions and blankets to keep us warm and comfortable for the duration of the session.  A short awareness relaxation was given, to help us settle and then the session commenced. 

My Journey - as the various sounds filtered through the air and me, I became aware that I was stood in snow watching Aurora Borealis, the colours and movement flowed with the sound I was sensing.  As the sound grew louder I realised I was now in an underground cavern looking upwards to a large hole in the roof, through which I could see the night sky, the sound was reverberating around the cavern.  As the vibrations died down I found myself stood by a fire watching the flames dance about as the noise grew again, the flames danced higher and higher.  As the sound intensified I became aware the the flames had now changed into a wall of water rising up and up before crashing down again.  As the sound mellowed I found myself floating then in the cosmos amid stars, colours and energy, I gazed at all that was around me and within me.  Looking back now, I can see that through all these images, I had experienced all the elements, air, earth, fire, water and spirit/ether.

What came next was blast of images containing subjects that I've recently been researching, The Pyramids, Atlanta, River Styx - to The Underworld, Aliens and Channeling.  It was all pretty random, with no real pattern. 

The next image was crows over battlefields - war & bloodshed - to me this makes me think of Morrigan.

After that I seem to remember associating each sound, pitch and tone with the vibrations of various things, so I would perceive a sound and I would see a tree, next sound might be water, then the next a stone and so on and so on.  This carried on until we had reached the end on the meditation and silence enveloped the room.  Of course everybody's experience will be different - this was just mine!

We were given as much time as we needed to come back and ground ourselves.  Drinks and biscuits were available to aid us in this and there was the opportunity to swap and share our experiences and ask any questions.  Talking with people afterwards, I found that some did have intentions that they wanted to focus on whilst meditating, such as journeying and healing.  The sound, the space and the time, give them the opportunity to really focus and intensify their experience.

I found it an absolutely amazing experience and one that I would certainly partake of again and encourage others to try. 
The Gong Bath I went to was organised by a local group in the Southampton area, called Active Arts.  They organise many other activites too, for those interested, here is the link to their web page

Moon - Waxing Crescent 6%

Yoga - Sun Salutation

Card Message - Queen of Cups
May signify you, your mother, a therapist, or a woman that inspires love in you and stirs the depths of your emotional nature.  Loving, maternal and intuitive, possibly working in a field of relationship counselling and healing

Friday 25 November 2011

What is today???

Today is 25th November and a New Moon
It is a fairly well known fact within older traditions that the New Moon is generally a good time to begin project or use it as the starting point of something.  So any plans that you have been putting together may now be acted on.  Maybe to use it as the starting point for throwing out old unwanted habits and bring in new ones.  The body is at its prime time for detoxification on a New Moon too.

The dark days of the Moon (3 days of its absence, during the New Moon period), became a symbol of the passage of life into death and death into life.

Here are some superstitions associated with the New Moon -

The strongest storms and hurricanes are likely to be 1-3 days after a new moon and 3-5 days after a full moon.
Being without money when seeing a new moon is thought to be unlucky but if a person has some coins and turns them over without taking them out of their pocket, they will have plenty money over the month ahead and the wish that's made while turning the coins will be fulfilled.

Country-dwellers have long held the opinion that the time of the new moon is the time to plant crops.

It is considered to be better to plant vegetables which grow underground, i.e. potatoes and carrots, in the dark of the moon and plant vegetables which grow above ground, i.e. corn and beans, in the light of the moon.

25th November is an important day, for it is a day for commemorating the Wheel Goddess of the underworld, known as Persephone, Proserpina. Kore, Arianrod and Catherine - Queen of the Shades, ruler of the souls of the dead.  Also its St Catherine's Day - patron saint of lace-makers, spinners, rope-makers, wheelwrights, carpenters, young women, and female students, and some of these had customs particular to her day
Today was also formerly known as Women's Merrymaking Day - a festival of the celebrations of women's mysteries.

Moon - New Moon

Yoga - Cat, Butterfly, Fish, Seated Spinal Twist, Sun Salutation, Triangle, Cosmic Egg

Card Message - The World
Great success, a sense of deep and satisfying fulfillment.  A pleasing sense of completion with the joy of achievement and a feeling of being on top of the world. Serenity and contentment.  A phase of spiritual and personal development may be finished, a time to open up to the blessings of life all around.

Thursday 24 November 2011

This rock had meltdowns too!!

Isn't strange how people perceive us, maybe as strong, or calm, or even confident. If they really knew that you were worried, or struggling or had doubts, I guess they might be a little surprised, but obviously it's down to the facade we sometimes show others. We can become so good at covering our own true feelings, so as not to burden others, or not to appear weak.  
An old friend used to call me a rock, solid, sound and grounded. I would listen to their troubles and try and help where I could, but they never even guessed that I would have my own meltdowns. I was so surprised that that they seemed to think I had life without any troubles, but then it occurred to me that I was too good at covering it all up. I would bottle up my feelings and bury them down, believing that they served no positive service to go maudlin through.

The point I wasn't getting was that I did need to vent and get things off my chest, as we all do.  As long as I moved on afterwards and let it go, after all it would do me no good to keep wallowing in it.  I was scared though that if I voiced my anger people would walk away! My husband was amazing in teaching me this lesson, he showed me that I was indeed harming myself keeping it all in and being miserable with it too!  He taught me that it was OK to feel angry about stuff too, not to feel guilty after exploding, just as long as I understood what it was about and to move on, I am so grateful to him for this.  To be honest it was quite liberating!  So now I know how to deal with it myself, I find that I don't actually feel so oppressed by it!!! Liberation indeed!!!

So maybe I do carry a calm exterior now, difference is the inside is calm too!!

Moon - Waning Crescent 14 %

Yoga - Mountain, Star, Heart Sequence, Triangle, Kneeling Twist, Sphinx, Child, Cat

Card Message - 3 of Pentacles (Earth, sensation, the senses and body)
Increase, Craft, Skill and Appreciation
Work flourishes as you buil on previous efforts.  The skilled use of matter and intelligence to create works of beauty and value. Financial rewards or appreciation after long periods of learning and work may still need to be done but help is at hand

Wednesday 23 November 2011

'I Keep Wandering Off The Path'

I keep wandering off track, this maybe a familiar concept with you also,  you make promises to yourself to change something in your life, that will bring benefits.  All is going well and then you you find yourself slipping back into old ways and habits!! I'm sure its cyclical, but I haven't yet plotted it all out.

For me its refining changes that I made a while ago, for instance I decided to become vegan and now I want to eat a predominately raw food diet.  I know that meditation is good for me on many levels and I should be meditating every day, not occasionally.  Yoga too, I started learning yoga 1 1/2 ago and go to a class once a week, I know that once a week is not enough and I should be practising it every day too, to really reap the rewards. 
I always start off with all the right intention and motivation and then something tips the scales,  its usually something that breaks the routine, an event, illness, a bad day or even plain ole laziness.  Its so easy to get distracted and then convince yourself you'll get back on track another day, next week, whenever!!  In the meantime you ignore the fact that you are undoing all the good work, until the point you can no longer ignore it  i.e. feeling rubbish, bloated, headaches, sleepless nights and generally yuck!!

Round and round and round, over and over, it can be pretty frustrating and somestimes cause sadness, because you feel you've failed.  Not So!! 
It seems common place that we all work like this, the thing is recognising it, keep trying and don't berate yourself when you slip up - just pick yourself up and try again.  What has helped for me, is keeping this diary, so ok not every detail is in it, but it is proving to be an absolutely amazing way of keeping track of whats going on.....and as I write it down I'm beginning to see patterns emerge.

 Moon Waning Crescent - 14 %

Yoga - Mountain, Standing Gate Sequence, Moondance, Pigeon, Child, Boat and Seated Spinal Twist

Card Message - Prince of Cups (feeling/emotion - heart)
Idealistic, Empathic and Romantic.
If following your heart you must try to avoid the pitfalls of glamour, a possible conflict between heart and a desire to take action. Giving invitation to social or artistic gatherings..... helping others......impending journey over water.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Evie - My canine companion

I couldn't resist blogging about Evie as she is my best friend and loyal companion. 
We first met when she was 9 weeks old, she was with all her brothers and sisters in a pen. I had decided to get a bitch if I could, but went with an open mind.  Their owner told me that only 2 out of the 8 pups were female, he pointed one out, she was very pretty and was the second pup to come rushing out of their bed, to see who here to see them.  The second bitch was the last out, she was pretty too.  I looked for the first and found that she was sat on my foot - decision made both there and then - she had chosen me!!!
Since that point we have grown very close, she is always there when life is tough, she has an amazing sense of humour, she likes doing yoga with me (exasperating as it is), she loves going on long walks, she loves all my friends and of course she follows me everywhere (including the bathroom sometimes).

I've always loved dogs, but was only able to have one once I'd left home.  I've had a few since then and I have been blessed that they have all been beautiful, loving and loyal and a joy to have. 

You cannot beat the greeting you get from them when you come back from leaving them for a while....  Evie goes loopy everytime!  Sometimes when I'm not well, she'll come and lay down with me, pushing her nose under my hand.  When she is not well or fireworks are stressing her I will sit with her through the night and give her Reiki, until she is through it. 
She is part of inspiration for me now to train as an animal healer and once this is completed I will be able to treat any animal - for I love them all. 

Everyone who cares for an animal will know about the intuitive, loving and caring bonds which form between you both, its a connection that will last a lifetime.


My faithful friend, you're there for me,
every single day.
The joy you bring,the love you give,
though words you cannot say.

The time we spend, the games we play,
the places we explore.
Sweet memories of these I'll keep,
for now and ever more.

You make me laugh, you make smile,
you're never far away.
The bond we have, that keeps us close,
grows stronger everyday.

When I am sad you always know,
and never leave my side.
You comfort me, watch over me,
til all my tears are cried.

Thank you for all the time we share,
of this I wish no end.
I cherish everything you are,
my loving four legged friend.

Moon - Waning Crescent 21%

Yoga - Mountain. Swaying Palm, Release Technique, Warriors 1 & 2, Charioteer, Archer, Star, Extended Side Stretch, Dolphin, Butterfly, Prayer Twist

Card Message - Eight of Swords (Air - intellect)
Restriction, Potential for Liberation

Monday 21 November 2011

A Bit Of Self Love Goes A Long Way - My Journey

How much time to I spend rushing around after my family, my job and generally multitasking beyond limits?? Lots is the answer to that!!

There just seems an ever increasing list of jobs and an ever decreasing amount of time!  I'm an early bird, so often I find myself caught up in a game of ticking stuff off the job list, before even breakfast and of course I manage to squeeze more and more, until I've done a days worth of work before I've even left for work in the morning. 
I get caught out all the time, thinking  'if I complete tasks x,y & z, now, then I'll have more free time later',  but of course I don't because I'm STILL cramming more jobs in.  I'm a hard taskmaster, especially with myself. 

All this came to a bit of a grinding halt earlier this year, when I started training for a half marathon......which isn't too bad by itself, but I was also training hard for a long distance charity cycle ride at the same time.  I was a complete novice in taking part in any event like this, so threw myself into training hard, too hard!! Of course, like everything else in my life I spend lots of time putting in all the pysical effort required, I'd just recently taken ownership of an allotment too and was spending many back breaking hours digging over the plot. 
I completed the cycle ride, with a time that I was pleased with and then set about squeezing more running into my timetable.  That was when my body said enough!!  I injured my leg whilst running and had to stop, I could barely walk!  Several days later the doc diagnosed Medial Compartment Syndrome and after seeing the physio I was told that I probably wouldn't be able to run again.....that still hangs in the balance.  Obviously I didn't compete in the half marathon and its taking a long time to heal.

So whats going on?  Everyone around me kept telling me to slow down and look after myself but I didn't hear them, I was too busy pushing myself to my limits, until my body forced me to look at what I was doing.  Too busy proving myself to myself, setting more and more tasks gave me no time to look at me and who I am and what I enjoy doing.  I was stuck in a cycle in which I was berating myself continually, for not being good enough and it took me all that time and pain before I could see it.

So how have I managed to deal with this?  Well my body took no chances, if I healed quickly, I might start charging forth again, so with the slow process of my leg healing, I have been forced to deal the way I look after myself.  I've had to admit that I've been pushing myself too hard, with little or no reward and have set about changing this habit that formed around how I feel about myself.  Its taking a lot of soul searching to get to the bottom of it all and I don't know that I'm still fully aware of how it all started.  What I have to do now is change my ways and make room for some self love.

I now make sure I pace myself and try and balance out activities.  Whats more important is enjoying what I'm doing and not turning it into a challenge.  Also I've learned that I have to look after myself, nurture and treat myself and its not wrong to enjoy those things - its important!!

I'm still on this journey and may take a while to embed itself as a natural way to be, for me.  I'm sure though that this is now the right path for me to be on and anyone else in a similar situation.  Nurture yourself, love yourself!

Moon - Waning Crescent 27%

Yoga - Heart Sequence, Tree, Cat, Spinal Twist, Butterfly, Tortoise

Card Message - Four of Cups
Lacking in inspiration, time to lie fallow, to allow creative juices to replenish. Beware of ignoring a gift opportunity through indifference or laziness. Feeling stuck in a rut,

Sunday 20 November 2011

Time Out......with Nature

Over the years I've noticed the pattern that I follow, with regards to balancing out the 'hustle and bustle' with time out in nature.  Its an absolute must in my life!!!  I've boundless amounts of energy most of the time with which I throw myself into many physical tasks and events, but to offset this I have to have quieter periods in which I step into the wild world, alone.
Strangely, the tarot card I pulled a card that also shows this need of withdrawel - 'The Hermit'
Whether its exploring new landscapes, sitting with trees, creating nature mandalas, or watching wildlife, I adore being out with Mother Nature.  I come back refueled, recharged and inspired.  Somedays I know that I need to be in the forest, where others I can feel the pull of the sea.  Time ceases to exist, and all else fades into the shadows.  I'm very often honoured by a visit from a bird or creature during these periods and today it was a crow, it flew in very close and circled my head anti clockwise before flying off.......I was blessed!!!

So now I'm ready for life again.......bring it on!

Moon - Waning Crescent 34%

Yoga - Moondance, Gate Sequence and Heart Sequence

Card Message - 'The Hermit'
Turn away from the distractions of the outer world and seek the guidence.
In silence and solitude discover new depths and refresh your soul at the source of all life

Saturday 19 November 2011

We are all Connected

I had a dream last night and in it I met with everyone that I have ever met or connected with in my whole life so far.  It was like a gathering....people from my childhood, school, work, family, even people that have passed from this world, everyone was there.  There was no story with this dream, just a mass reunion!  My understanding of this, is a means to remember that we are all connected, we are one.

What we do to others, we do to ourselves.  For if we harm others, we are causing harm to ourselves emotionally and spiritually. If we instead help, care and love we become better for it, too. 

Moon - Waning Crescent 41%

Yoga - Moondance, Downward Dog, Upward Dog and Gate Sequence

Card Message - Ten of Pentacles
Blessings, Prosperity and Legacy

Friday 18 November 2011

A dedication to Humanity....Aren't We Just Amazing??

Aren't we just amazing?  I mean, we really are!!
Humans are just fantastic creatures!  We are capable of creating so many wonderful things and I know its true to say, that we are also capable of the complete opposite and wreaking havoc upon our world and each other.  BUT I want to focus on the positive aspects!!!

We paint the most detailed, beautiful paintings, we write the most thought provoking poetry and stories, we dream up the most touching pieces of music, we dance with such feeling, we build monuments of the most unbelievable proportion and meaning, we are capable of the most wonderous physical feats, we have the capacity to understand the almost impossible science, we carry to ability to be compassionate, caring and loving, we are inquisitive about everything around us, we are spiritual warriors, we have the ability to transmit such emotion and feeling through all of these mediums and more!!  We are so complex and so beautiful and we're are still learning about ourselves, all of the time!!!

Head Space
My head's insides, a deafening roar,
Of all the words I've said before,
The scenes I've seen,
the tastes and touch.
The things I've heard....
its all too much!!
How do I keep it all in there?
In such order, without care.
There seems no room in one small space.
To keep all I know,
behind my face.

Moon - Last Quarter 48%

Yoga -

Card Message - Seven of Swords
Struggle, Challenge and Overcoming Obstacles

Thursday 17 November 2011

Just simply......having fun!!!

Life can be so tough and sometimes it just seems that its one issue after another!  When it gets like this its very emotionally draining and tiring, but these periods are neccessary.  For its only when we're challenged and overcome it do we grow in strength and in wisdom.

So when given a chance to enjoy yourself.......go for it!!!
In fact don't just wait for good times to come, live life with laughter, joy and happiness in your heart.  The laws of attraction stipulates that 'like' attracts 'like' and you will soon find that you will attract happiness to you. 

See you all I'm off out to have some fun, embracing "The Darkness"!!!!!

Moon - Waning Gibbous 61 %

Yoga - Sun Salution, Gate Sequence

Card Message - The Magician
Open yourself to the power of Awen and Nwyfre,of inspiration and life-force and let it flow through you and into the world.
Creativity, Inspiratio, Direction, Willpower, Life-force, Flow, First Steps and Empowerment

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Judgement - an Outsiders Perspective

Strangely enough I rarely know what I'm going to Blog about until I sit in front of the screen.....and this is what has just popped into mind - Judgement! 
Its a concept thats familiar to all of us and something that we all try not to do, although whether a throwback from the society we live in, it is something that we indeed do.

At an early age we are taught by elders who not to trust and how to spot them, for our own safety of course.  At school we are taught about appearance and how smart we should look both on the premises and outside.  Then we get to working age, when your appearance is half the interview.  It doesn't just come from an authorative side though, as peer groups work on appearance as much as attitude and sizing up a prospective boyfriend or girlfriend works on appearances too. We just can't get away from it!!

I've always baffled my Mum on my appearance, as up until the age on 13/14 I was a regular looking teenage girl......then over night I transformed into a Goth!! Shortly after that I became a Punk, then a New Age Traveller and now I'm just me!  I'm still not conventional as my husband will attest and Mum always pays me the complement " Oooh, you smell just like one of those...... Hippy Shops"  and " You look like you've just come from Reading Festival" At least I thinks its a complement and  I know she doesn't mean any harm by it though!!

The strange thing is I've always been me!  I didn't become depressed when I was a Goth,  I didn't become aggressive when I was a Punk and neither did anyone else I knew at the time. Looks can be deceiving and these are judgements made by people who are intimidated or scared.  Its very difficult indeed to express yourself when we are taught that we must be conventional to fit in.  Slowly, slowly though things are changing and ok, so its not condusive to turn up at an interview with purple hair (unless you're going to be working in an environment that supports that appearance), but certainly judgement isn't as harsh as it used to be.  Its more widely accepted to dress differently now.

Trying not to judge can be a difficult pattern to break too, it feels ingrained sometimes and we find ourselves doing it before we realise.  Without knowing someone fully we cannot be sure of the assumption we may have jumped to and indeed may have got the wrong conclusion.  I know I've got it wrong in the past and I know I shouldn't judge, having been judged myself - its difficult!

To be non-judgemental is a great acheivement to aspire to and makes ahappier world.

Moon - Waning Gibbous 61%

Yoga - Mountain, Mudra Forward Bend, Extended Side Stretch, Star, Warriors 1 & 2

Card Message - Queen of Swords
A need to be objective.  An intellectual endeavour.  Success in comminications, exams, politics or debates.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Tricks of the Ego

Life is a minefield of questions and answers and for every answer, theres another question, so it goes on and on.  You can pursue this pattern until you really feel that you don't know your own mind any more, or where you are going in life - not surprising when you consider the amount of variables from just one question.

I seem to run in cycles, I'll be able to focus ahead on my chosen goals for so long, before I fall into self doubt and lose my way.  I will then struggle internally, as I battle with my ego, while it fills my head full of uncertainty.  It feels as though you are going mad! Sometimes it would take quite some time to restore balance and find my feet again.  My Mum suggested I read Eckharte Tolle's book - 'A New Earth',  I did and found it profound in its teachings about the tricks of the ego - I would highly recommend this book to everyone!  Here is a link to his page -[eckhart%20tolle]&creative=8378978026&gclid=CJ6Ljoi1uawCFQIf4QodFWrApA

I now understand that these episodes are normal for us all, in varying degrees and that the ego likes nothing more than to keep us from reaching our full potential, it likes to wield its power of self doubt, paranoia, worthlessness etc, which keeps us from moving forward.  I know now that I can recognise this little voice and not have to get caught up in the melodrama that its trying to create.  I still do sometimes of course, for I am human and not adept as some others maybe at spotting the ego tricks.  Now though I can pull myself out of it a lot quicker and easier, than before......and of course I know I'm not going mad, least not for the moment.

Moon - Waning Gibbous 68%

Yoga - Mountain, Release Technique, Warriors 1 & 2, Charioteer, Star, Archer, Eagle, Kneeling Twist, Child, Sphinx, Hare, Table and Table Balance

Card Message - The World

Dancing, I am Life.
Whole, I am One

Completion, Fulfilment, Success, Abundance, Achievement, Ecstasy and Union of Outer and Inner Life.

Monday 14 November 2011

Fear of Letting Go....My Story

Everyone has down days, when we seem to carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.  When things are getting us down and we feel stuck in a rut, unable to break through the circles that we seem to be going round and round and round in.  Usually these days just happen when we've "had enough" and don't want to deal with whatever has been thrown at us.  Often issues will be reoccurring, in which case we haven't yet understood what lesson it is, that we are suppose to be learning.  Sometimes this can take a while before we fully see what is happening and what needs to be done, before we can put it behind us.  I'm a great one for this!!

Often though we don't put issues behind us, but instead carry them with us as a heavy weight, growing heavier and heavier with every attached issue.  We all get attached to things, I know I do.  Whether its people, objects, pets, routines, even patterns of thought.....not all are good for us, some of those can be pretty destructive, such as "I'm not very clever" or "I'm useless".  However its not that easy to let go, as we don't like change too often, even if it means it is no longer serving us in positive way, we'd still sometimes rather stay in familiarity of it all. "Better the devil you know", is the saying....but its not always true!!!  We can remain locked, trapped in destructive relationships, or difficult jobs, emotional stress, forever berating ourselves on how poorly we'd performed and how we could have been better.  If its a past issue that has been and gone, but you keep revisiting it over and over, then let it go - you are only causing yourself pain and anguish.  A current issue needs careful thinking over and deciding a plan of action, to stop the negative emotions continually consuming you - say for instance, you don't like your job and its wearing you down, then make plans to make a change....look for a new job perhaps.

In my past I was in a relationship with a very violent man, of course it didn't start off like that.....but over the ensuing months and then years, he showed his true colours.  His pattern was drinking heavily and then abuse and violence in his alcohlic stupor.  He'd wake the next day to find that he'd smashed up the house, beaten me up, or threw me literally out the house and locked the door for the night, whilst my young son was trapped inside with him.   He put me in hospital many times, but I still kept going back and accepting his sober apologies that it wouldn't happen again.  I wasn't fooled, I knew it would, but I was a fool because I kept going back for more abuse.  What I didn't realise was, I was getting stronger, an inner strength, I was becoming more and more switched on and started making plans to end the relationship.  That was the hardest bit, following through!  I was more fearful of change than what I was currently living through, but I knew that I didn't deserve the treatment I was receiving.  I managed it though, with the support of my family and stuck it out on my own.  Once months had past and I really knew that it was over, I felt so happy and was so relieved that I had dealt this issue, I could now put it to bed as it were.
It has in fact taken me a lot longer to deal with it, to stop going over what had happened and wonder did I do enough to support him, maybe if I had been a little bit more understanding of his emotional situation I could have helped him.  I now know that I was keeping myself locked in a cycle of self hurt and in reality he didn't want my help.  Once this realisation was made, I could finally move on with my life and drop this negative baggage for I didn't need it.  Not that long ago I forgave him - not literally, but in my mind.  I set him free from my mind completely and sent him loving thoughts, for I know that he is a soul who has lost his way on his path and the fact that he is unaware, is sad, but it is ultimately of his choosing.

This is of course 'my story' and yours maybe different, but what is the same is the fact that all of us do not need to suffer through life.  We will always be presented with problems and challenges, for its through these that we grow strong, but once dealt with and learnt from, its time to move on.....for we will only live 'this life' once, so make it a happy one.

Moon - Waning Gibbous 75%

Yoga - Stretchy Cat, Mountain, Butterfly, Tortoise, Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Earth Salutation

Card Message - The Fferyllt
Allow inner and outer,
masculine and feminine,
to blend within you to give birth to your Creative Self

Sunday 13 November 2011

Blessed Guardians of the Forests

I have long been a fan of trees and the Oak has always had  a special place in my heart.  They grow fantastically big, their form takes on all sorts of weird and wonderful shapes.  They are home to many, many species and because of their size and longevity they play an important role in the forest ecosystem.  Their wood has been used for millenia for building timber framed houses, ships, furniture and wine casks.  Many of the oldest Oaks are pollarded trees, this was carried out to encourage large branches to grow for timber. There are over 400 species of Oak worldwide, though only 25 are native to Europe, they are mature trees at 75, but can live to 1000.  In short they are fantastic trees!!

Man has long recognised the importance of the Oak and has formed a certain relationship and reverance towards it. Oaks are known for there secondary spurt of new growth which happens in August, this growth is called 'Lammas growth', as it falls within the Celtic sabbat of Lammas.  It has featured in myths and legends, worshipped, had gods associated with it and been used as a source of power and magic.  The Druids associated it with the sky and thunder gods, and the goddesses of fire and fertility.  The Oak spirits and dryads are often seen as wisened old characters.

The Druids of old created a system to encode their wisdom - The Tree Ogham.  The Oak is the 7th tree in the ogham and its attributed with powers of inner strength, stamina, tenacity and is also seen as a doorway to inner spirituality.  It provides the strength to push through old layers of self belief and forward to new understandings and provides the support to keep going, even when its hard going.  Oak has long been used for healing too,  bruised Oak leaves can be applied to unbroken skin to ease inflammation, Oak bark, leaves and acorns make a  very good astringent tonic and a decoction of ground Oak bark or leaves makes an excellent foot bath for weary feet, it also helps them to find the right pathway in life.  If you sit with an Oak, place your hands on its trunk or stand barefoot on its roots you can tap into it's strength and healing power - I know I've tried.

There are many notable old Oaks around our countryside, many of which have become landmarks.
I met with an old Oak today in fact, it had the thickest trunk that I've ever seen, at least 5ft in diameter.  It was dead in some places and growing strong in others.  Strangely I had walked that way many times, but had not seen it before, even though it was not far from the path.  It was like meeting a sage, there was an air of knowledge and inner power all around.  Its not too difficult to grasp that concept when you think of the part they play within our world.

Blessed Guardians of the Forests

Moon - Waning Gibbous 81%

Yoga - Mountain, Cossack, Lunge, Cat, Tree, Extended Side Stretch, Forward Bend

Card Message - Insights, Strategy and Research

wytch in the woods' photostream

denny wood nov 11' 067denny wood nov 11' 062denny wood nov 11' 059denny wood nov 11' 058denny wood nov 11' 056denny wood nov 11' 040
denny wood nov 11' 034denny wood nov 11' 030denny wood nov 11' 029denny wood nov 11' 026denny wood nov 11' 022denny wood nov 11' 015
denny wood nov 11' 011LilyMeDay becomes nightWater smileyOld beech tree
The old boatSun MandalaSolitary treeDarkness descendsLooking skywardMagical

Saturday 12 November 2011

Going Within

The Druid Craft Tarot Card that I pulled today as my daily message was 'The Hermit' and that got me the message with this card is:

"Turn away from the distraction of the outer world and seek guidence.
In silence and solitude discover new depths and refresh your soul at the source of all life."

This message keeps coming to me over and over again, especially now that we have passed through Samhain and the nights are drawing in.  This has been picked up in lessons from my yoga teacher and articles that are circulating via emails and I also referred to it briefly in a previous post.

As we experience the darker evenings, it gives us more time to reflect on the more subtle aspects of our lives - our thoughts, our aspirations, our memories and our plans.  It also give us the much needed time and space to collate any issues we are carrying and decide how we would like to deal with them....maybe also planning some resolves, to help shift some unnecessary emotional baggage.

Our ancestors were very wise about such subjects and built monuments to honour the darker season of year, where they would honour their ancestors and celebrate in and around such sacred sites, journeying within this world, within themselves and within other dimensions.

This is my tribute to such places:

The Silents

I walk amongest forgotten people
Their featureless faces watch as I walk by
Grey, still and silent
Untold stories of long ago are left unheard
Ancestors to whom I belong and may never know

Moon - Waning Gibbous 88%

Yoga - Cat, Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Star, Cobra, Child, Wide Legged Forward Bend, Triangle, Mountain, Dancer, Wheel, Seated Forward Bend, Butterfly, Tortoise.

Entrance to 'Wayland's Smithy'

Card Message - Guidence, Retreat, Caution, Withdrawal and Meditation

Friday 11 November 2011 Love

'Live Love', I woke with these words in my mind this morning; what a nice way to start the day!

It makes me wonder what kind of world we'd be in if we lived in love? I don't mean just the love that you express for a partner, family, your children or pets, but love in all our relationships.  Loving ourselves unconditionally and all people, the planet, our work, our dreams and ideas.

We get caught up in our egos, all to often, tending our wounds and believing that 'we' or 'they' are not worth it. We can make ourselves miserable with such attitudes as 'poor me', and we will make those around us unhappy too.
If you imagine two plants one planted in nutrient rich soil and another in soil devoid of any goodness, then the plant that is living in poor soil will wither and grow poorly and weak, but the plant that is grown in good soil will thrive.  This is the case for us too, we should care, love and nurture all that is around us, for in doing so we love ourselves.

All things thrive on love, our environment, animals and the Earth and we all deserve love......unconditional love.

 The saying is 'Love Conquers All' and I believe it true!

' Love'

Moon - Waning Gibbous 95%

Yoga - Heart Sequence, Pigeon, Butterfly, Plough, Tree, Star and Boat

Card Message - Seven of Pentacles
Bearing fruit, Harvesting and Clearing

Thursday 10 November 2011


I love Spirals, its such a beautiful and kind of intuitive pattern and I know I'm not the only person to think so. So, inspired by this beautiful symbol, I created one of my own today down at the local beach, by the waters edge as an offering and recognition of the Full Moon tonight.

Spirals appear everywhere in nature, whirlpools and whirlwinds, galaxies, amonites and shells.  Climbing plants such as Ivy often create spirals ridges in Hazel trees, as they grow towards the light. Pine cones are a multitude of spirals, which open up to release their seeds.  In our body, the DNA helix structure is also spiral. Also in  yogic practices the kundalini (energy) lies coiled at the base of the spine, like a serpent and through various tecniques the kundalini rises up the 3 main Nadis - a central column called 'Sushumna' and 2 spiraled columns, 'Ida' the feminine channel and 'Pingala' the masculine channel. These columns cross over at the chakras and as the kundalini rises the chakras are energised.

Many cultures through the ages have used spirals to decorate and adorn monuments and themselves, all with meanings. The celtic spirals are probably the best known designs in Europe, many are found on tombs and megoliths. Its not really known what these symbolise, but it is widely accepted that it probably means eternal life, as in life, death and rebirth.

Spiral designs differ too, some have two arms representing the equinoxes and balance, three arms - trskele - indicates the feminine cycle, maiden and crone.

Moon - Full

Yoga - The Crow, Moon Dance Sequence, Hare and Crescent Moon Pose

Card Message - Princess of Swords
Inquisitive, Objective and Aloof

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Moon effects

Today has been a bit of a struggle to say the least and I knew it would be from the moment I awoke!
I feel very displaced.  All of the usual physical requirements of the day has been very hard indeed, I've no 'get up and go', its all got up and gone! All mental aspects have been challenged too, the only thing I have done well, is being dreamy!
The card I pulled this morning from the Druid Craft Tarot pack was The Moon, the keywords are: psychic awakening, dreams, deep revelation of feminine mysteries, withdrawel and facing fears.
Need I say more! I then happened to check the Moon calendar and realised that it is a Full Moon tomorrow! So now I'm totally convinced....I'm staring the facts in the face.

According to a great book called 'Moon Time'......

the best time to do all physical work and activites is during a Waning Moon. During a Waxing Moon (which we are currently in), it is a time regenerating, absorbing and the closer to the Full Moon the more the effect. So definitely a time to slow down and gather strength. The absortion aspect is interesting too, for our bodies will more readily absorb all nutrients from food, but also absorb the toxins too. It is a time where body weight and water retention increase, so you may be heavier or more bloated. Poisons are absorbed more quickly, but so too are healing ointments.
I wonder if the absorption applies to knowledge too?
Its a fantastic book, I would recommend it to all that are interested in the Moon and living in harmony with it.

Moon - Waxing Gibbous 91%

Yoga - Missed

Card Message -
Fear is a powerful teacher and ally.
If you can walk through the gates of fear you will arrive at the realm of the Goddess,
who will bless you with inner vision.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

I am blessed

If there is one thing that I have learned from all the challenges that life has presented me with, so far, it is that 'I Am Blessed'.
I'm certainly not rich! I don't have a mansion, or a expensive car and I don't jet set off around the world, on holiday.
What I do have is worth more than anything that can be bought!
I live on a beautiful planet and I'm surrounded with natural beauty and wildlife everywhere. I share my life with wonderful animals, who in turn allow me to share theirs. I've family and friends who love me and I love them too.
I'm grateful for all I have and this in turn, brings more happiness and love into my life.
I AM Truly Blessed!!

Moon ~ Waxing Gibbous 84%

Yoga ~ Boat, Extended Side Triangle, Locust, Pigeon, Mountain, Heart Sequence

Card Message ~ Seven of Wands
Struggle, Challenge, Overcoming Obstacles

Monday 7 November 2011

The Lotus

Sometimes I find myself in a situation where I feel like I could tell a few people a thing or too and what I would normally ignore, just seems to get under my skin!
Times like these brings me back to a lesson taught by my yoga teacher.

The story of the Lotus ~

This flower springs forth from muddy waters. It raises its delicate petals to the sun and perfumes the world while, at the same time, its roots cling to the elemental muck, the very essence of the mortal experience. Without that soil, the flower would wither and die.

So I must remember that all aspects are valid, just like the soil for the lotus, but I do not have to bury myself in the mud. Like the lotus I can still live in such environment, but still raise my head to radiance of the light.

Moon ~ Waxing Gibbous 77%

Yoga ~ Rock the Baby, Butterfly, Cat, Upward Dog, Downward Dog, Tree, Bridge

Card Message ~ The Lovers
At every moment you have a choice
Love is at the heart of life
All creation is born out of love

Sunday 6 November 2011


Spent a wonderful afternoon down at Exbury with family and dog. The autumn colours were amazing and we were blessed with clear sky and sunshine. Met with some amazing trees, all very different in their seasonal colours.
Came across a very old Yew tree, whose branches formed a kind of canopy. Once under this umbrella of branches there was a stillness, even the wind did not blow through them, yet it was windy all around. The tree itself had quite a presence and there was a very definate feeling of ancient wisdom and memories, all around.
I wonder if trees have genetic memory, whether they pass down the story of the earth, from its early beginnings??

Yew is associated with many abilities, including the guardian to the door of rebirth, rest after the struggles of life, divination, dowsing and bows.

Strangely I didn't get a picture of the Yew, I was too busy enjoying the ambience.

Moon ~ Waxing Gibbous 70%

No yoga today

Card Message ~ Two of Swords
Dilemma, Opposition and Procrastination

Saturday 5 November 2011

The power of 3

After having a conversation today with a good friend, a point in the conversation stuck with me over the day, which I felt compelled to look into further - The power of the number 3.

3 is the most positive number in symbolism, in religion, mythology, legend and folklore.
  • Good/bad things happen in 3's
  • "Third time lucky"
  • Three headed gods (Greek - Hecate & Celtic - Brigid)
  • Religious triads - The Hindi Trimurti ( Bramha - creator, Shiva - destroyer & Vishnu - sustainer), The 3 Greek Brothers ( Zeus, Posidon & Hades, with their triple headed attributes, the 3 forked lightning, the trident and the triple headed dog), Cerberus ( the 3 Inca deities of sun, moon & storm) and the 3 brothers who controlled the heavens in China.
  • Mind, body & spirit
  • Past, Present & Future
  • The Fates
  • The Furies
  • The Harpies
  • The Gorgons
  • The Virtues (faith, hope & charity)
  • The 3 Magi (New Testament)
  • The 3 Goddesses ( Maiden, Mother & Crone)
  • Oak, Ash & Thorn ( faery triad of trees)
  • The number of harmony for Pythagorus
  • In Buddhism its the number of the holy scriptures (Tripitaka)
  • In Hinduism its the number of sounds in the the word Om (Aum)
  • In folklore heroes are given 3 trials/choices or 3 wishes
  • Rituals around the world are often performed 3 times
  • Graphic symbols include : triskele, swastika, trefoil, fleur-de-lys & chinese triagram
  • Atomic number 3 - Lithium Dueteride
  • 3 primary colours
  • The triangle
The list can go on and on, there is amazing power in 3 and is without doubt the most widespread of all the traditionally significant numbers.

Moon - Waxing Gibbous 63%

Yoga - Warriors 1 & 2, Charioteer, Cat, Moon Balance, Hand to Toe Balance, Bow, Wide Legged Forward Bend and Heart Sequence

Card Message - Ten of Pentacles - Blessings, Prosperity & Legacy