Tuesday 22 November 2011

Evie - My canine companion

I couldn't resist blogging about Evie as she is my best friend and loyal companion. 
We first met when she was 9 weeks old, she was with all her brothers and sisters in a pen. I had decided to get a bitch if I could, but went with an open mind.  Their owner told me that only 2 out of the 8 pups were female, he pointed one out, she was very pretty and was the second pup to come rushing out of their bed, to see who here to see them.  The second bitch was the last out, she was pretty too.  I looked for the first and found that she was sat on my foot - decision made both there and then - she had chosen me!!!
Since that point we have grown very close, she is always there when life is tough, she has an amazing sense of humour, she likes doing yoga with me (exasperating as it is), she loves going on long walks, she loves all my friends and of course she follows me everywhere (including the bathroom sometimes).

I've always loved dogs, but was only able to have one once I'd left home.  I've had a few since then and I have been blessed that they have all been beautiful, loving and loyal and a joy to have. 

You cannot beat the greeting you get from them when you come back from leaving them for a while....  Evie goes loopy everytime!  Sometimes when I'm not well, she'll come and lay down with me, pushing her nose under my hand.  When she is not well or fireworks are stressing her I will sit with her through the night and give her Reiki, until she is through it. 
She is part of inspiration for me now to train as an animal healer and once this is completed I will be able to treat any animal - for I love them all. 

Everyone who cares for an animal will know about the intuitive, loving and caring bonds which form between you both, its a connection that will last a lifetime.


My faithful friend, you're there for me,
every single day.
The joy you bring,the love you give,
though words you cannot say.

The time we spend, the games we play,
the places we explore.
Sweet memories of these I'll keep,
for now and ever more.

You make me laugh, you make smile,
you're never far away.
The bond we have, that keeps us close,
grows stronger everyday.

When I am sad you always know,
and never leave my side.
You comfort me, watch over me,
til all my tears are cried.

Thank you for all the time we share,
of this I wish no end.
I cherish everything you are,
my loving four legged friend.

Moon - Waning Crescent 21%

Yoga - Mountain. Swaying Palm, Release Technique, Warriors 1 & 2, Charioteer, Archer, Star, Extended Side Stretch, Dolphin, Butterfly, Prayer Twist

Card Message - Eight of Swords (Air - intellect)
Restriction, Potential for Liberation

1 comment:

  1. Love this post Elaine and your poem to Evie. Wishing you so well on your animal healing journey. Hx
