Sunday 29 January 2012

Planning a magical garden

Planning a magical garden
With Imbolc fast approaching, and the promise of new growth, my thoughts have turned to to our garden.  It is really overdue a facelift, I did start a few years ago, but then we got a puppy and she ate all the flowers, dug holes everywhere for her bones, and used the lawn as a racetrack!!!  She has grown out of most of these naughty habits now, so the magical garden plans are back on!!!

When I say 'magical' garden I'm talking about creating an outdoor space that is filled with beautiful plants, healing plants, a haven for wildlife, and an environment for nature spirits.  When I was growing up I often played in my grandparent's garden, it was a huge area with lots of borders of cottage garden flowers, large vegetable patches and fruit bushes, and orchard, and lots of pathways criss-crossing all around these areas.  It was a magical garden, my grandparents were very keen gardeners, and their garden was a garden filled with love.

So what do I want to put into my garden?? 
I want an area for 'Sun' plants - sunflowers, marigolds, chrysanthemums, heliotropes. 
An area for 'moon' plants - datura, nicotiana, jasmine, gardenia, camellias, white lilies, pale poppies
Mythical and magical statues
Water feature (I have this covered as we have 2 wildlife ponds)
Fire feature - would like to get a fire pit
Some bells or chimes
A sacred spot, that I can use for meditating in
Stone features - stone planting
More wildlife habitats
Nostalgia plants - ones I love and remember from my grandparents garden, such as lilac and foxgloves
Healing plants and herbs

Sacred Stones - stone planting

According to the ancient Greeks, stones are the very bones of the Earth Mother, Gaia.  In every garden, stones are the key earthing points and elements.  The art of stone planting is a complex and deep practise in Asia, where stones in a garden mark the flow of vital energies and the positioning of them creates special states of mind.  Stones placed in a circle, spiral or other primal pattern, are said to concentrate the natural flow of earth's energy.Stones with natural holes in them grant wishes, and should be hung up in a garden.  Semi precious stones can be used in the garden too, to bring in their beautiful powers.

I am going to try and garden with the phases of the moon too....
So, cutting sod and turf, removing it and pulling up plants - the last quarter of the waning moon.
Turning the soil and adding compost - after the new moon, first quarter of the waxing moon.
Planting seeds - last quarter of the waxing moon

Hopefully by the time that summer is at it's height, I will have a magical garden - I'm so excited about this little project.  And in true tradition, I will take a before and after photos   X

Moon - 39%

Yoga - Surya Namaskara, Gate Sequence, Ardha Matyasana

Card Message - Ace of Pentacles (aces - gifts, beginnings, potential and promise) & (pentacles - earth, sensation/the senses and body.
Material benefits.  A job offer, promotion or salary increase, or an inheritance or windfall.  A new contract or career change could auger well.  In a relationship, a situation that is well grounded: secure peaceful and enduring.
29th January - 1959 England Fog Causes Major Chaos on Roads    Dense fog brings road, rail and air transport in many parts of England and Wales to a virtual standstill.  
Gratitude - Good Fortune

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