Wednesday 23 November 2011

'I Keep Wandering Off The Path'

I keep wandering off track, this maybe a familiar concept with you also,  you make promises to yourself to change something in your life, that will bring benefits.  All is going well and then you you find yourself slipping back into old ways and habits!! I'm sure its cyclical, but I haven't yet plotted it all out.

For me its refining changes that I made a while ago, for instance I decided to become vegan and now I want to eat a predominately raw food diet.  I know that meditation is good for me on many levels and I should be meditating every day, not occasionally.  Yoga too, I started learning yoga 1 1/2 ago and go to a class once a week, I know that once a week is not enough and I should be practising it every day too, to really reap the rewards. 
I always start off with all the right intention and motivation and then something tips the scales,  its usually something that breaks the routine, an event, illness, a bad day or even plain ole laziness.  Its so easy to get distracted and then convince yourself you'll get back on track another day, next week, whenever!!  In the meantime you ignore the fact that you are undoing all the good work, until the point you can no longer ignore it  i.e. feeling rubbish, bloated, headaches, sleepless nights and generally yuck!!

Round and round and round, over and over, it can be pretty frustrating and somestimes cause sadness, because you feel you've failed.  Not So!! 
It seems common place that we all work like this, the thing is recognising it, keep trying and don't berate yourself when you slip up - just pick yourself up and try again.  What has helped for me, is keeping this diary, so ok not every detail is in it, but it is proving to be an absolutely amazing way of keeping track of whats going on.....and as I write it down I'm beginning to see patterns emerge.

 Moon Waning Crescent - 14 %

Yoga - Mountain, Standing Gate Sequence, Moondance, Pigeon, Child, Boat and Seated Spinal Twist

Card Message - Prince of Cups (feeling/emotion - heart)
Idealistic, Empathic and Romantic.
If following your heart you must try to avoid the pitfalls of glamour, a possible conflict between heart and a desire to take action. Giving invitation to social or artistic gatherings..... helping others......impending journey over water.

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