Thursday 10 November 2011


I love Spirals, its such a beautiful and kind of intuitive pattern and I know I'm not the only person to think so. So, inspired by this beautiful symbol, I created one of my own today down at the local beach, by the waters edge as an offering and recognition of the Full Moon tonight.

Spirals appear everywhere in nature, whirlpools and whirlwinds, galaxies, amonites and shells.  Climbing plants such as Ivy often create spirals ridges in Hazel trees, as they grow towards the light. Pine cones are a multitude of spirals, which open up to release their seeds.  In our body, the DNA helix structure is also spiral. Also in  yogic practices the kundalini (energy) lies coiled at the base of the spine, like a serpent and through various tecniques the kundalini rises up the 3 main Nadis - a central column called 'Sushumna' and 2 spiraled columns, 'Ida' the feminine channel and 'Pingala' the masculine channel. These columns cross over at the chakras and as the kundalini rises the chakras are energised.

Many cultures through the ages have used spirals to decorate and adorn monuments and themselves, all with meanings. The celtic spirals are probably the best known designs in Europe, many are found on tombs and megoliths. Its not really known what these symbolise, but it is widely accepted that it probably means eternal life, as in life, death and rebirth.

Spiral designs differ too, some have two arms representing the equinoxes and balance, three arms - trskele - indicates the feminine cycle, maiden and crone.

Moon - Full

Yoga - The Crow, Moon Dance Sequence, Hare and Crescent Moon Pose

Card Message - Princess of Swords
Inquisitive, Objective and Aloof

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