Sunday 13 November 2011

Blessed Guardians of the Forests

I have long been a fan of trees and the Oak has always had  a special place in my heart.  They grow fantastically big, their form takes on all sorts of weird and wonderful shapes.  They are home to many, many species and because of their size and longevity they play an important role in the forest ecosystem.  Their wood has been used for millenia for building timber framed houses, ships, furniture and wine casks.  Many of the oldest Oaks are pollarded trees, this was carried out to encourage large branches to grow for timber. There are over 400 species of Oak worldwide, though only 25 are native to Europe, they are mature trees at 75, but can live to 1000.  In short they are fantastic trees!!

Man has long recognised the importance of the Oak and has formed a certain relationship and reverance towards it. Oaks are known for there secondary spurt of new growth which happens in August, this growth is called 'Lammas growth', as it falls within the Celtic sabbat of Lammas.  It has featured in myths and legends, worshipped, had gods associated with it and been used as a source of power and magic.  The Druids associated it with the sky and thunder gods, and the goddesses of fire and fertility.  The Oak spirits and dryads are often seen as wisened old characters.

The Druids of old created a system to encode their wisdom - The Tree Ogham.  The Oak is the 7th tree in the ogham and its attributed with powers of inner strength, stamina, tenacity and is also seen as a doorway to inner spirituality.  It provides the strength to push through old layers of self belief and forward to new understandings and provides the support to keep going, even when its hard going.  Oak has long been used for healing too,  bruised Oak leaves can be applied to unbroken skin to ease inflammation, Oak bark, leaves and acorns make a  very good astringent tonic and a decoction of ground Oak bark or leaves makes an excellent foot bath for weary feet, it also helps them to find the right pathway in life.  If you sit with an Oak, place your hands on its trunk or stand barefoot on its roots you can tap into it's strength and healing power - I know I've tried.

There are many notable old Oaks around our countryside, many of which have become landmarks.
I met with an old Oak today in fact, it had the thickest trunk that I've ever seen, at least 5ft in diameter.  It was dead in some places and growing strong in others.  Strangely I had walked that way many times, but had not seen it before, even though it was not far from the path.  It was like meeting a sage, there was an air of knowledge and inner power all around.  Its not too difficult to grasp that concept when you think of the part they play within our world.

Blessed Guardians of the Forests

Moon - Waning Gibbous 81%

Yoga - Mountain, Cossack, Lunge, Cat, Tree, Extended Side Stretch, Forward Bend

Card Message - Insights, Strategy and Research

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