Monday 16 January 2012

Goddess Concordia

 Goddess Concordia
16th January

Concordia, the Roman goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital Greece she was known as Harmonia, she is a goddess that was worshipped very early on in Rome's history. 
She symbolised the peace that was finally was agreed between the plebians (commoners) and the patricians (nobles), after they had overthrown the tyrannical kings, and then formed the Republic.

To commemorate the compromises worked out between patricians and plebeians, a temple to Concordia was built in the northwestern end of the Roman Forum, backed up against the Capitoline Hill, near the Volcanal, a raised area that housed an altar to Vulcan. This temple was originally vowed in 367 BCE by the general Camillus and dedicated on July 22nd (which became Her festival) sometime afterwards. There was a statue of Victoria on its roof that was struck by lightning at one time; and the temple was restored in the 2nd century BCE. It was again restored by the Emperor Tiberius, who reopened it on the 16th of January, 10 CE, dedicating it to Concordia Augusta, the "Harmony of the Imperial Family". This temple was of somewhat unusual proportions due to the constraints of the site, but it was accorded one of the most beautiful in Rome, as it was finely made and entirely faced in marble. In later times it served as a museum of sorts, and many famous works of art were housed there.

She was depicted as a matronly woman, veiled and heavily draped, holding an olive branch, emblematic of peace, and a cornucopia, to symbolise the abundance that can be achieved when people work together in harmony. She sometimes wore a crown and held a sceptre, caduceus, or patera, a small offering bowl from which libations were poured. She is associated with the stork, which symbolised family devotion to the Romans, and the dove, universally a symbol of peace and gentleness; and sometimes a star, as emblem of hope, is shown near Her. Another attribute of Concordia is the image of two clasped hands, both of which are right hands (like in a handshake), symbolising two people agreeing. She is often shown on coins commemorating joint rule of leaders or the marriages of the imperial family.  Sometimes she is seen between two people, thought of as either members of the royal family, or with the female deities Pax and Salus, or Securitas and Fortuna (security and fortune).  As well as her associations with marital harmony - Concordia Conjugalis, her other epithet's were, Concordia Augusta - harmony of the emperor, Concordia Militaris - harmony of the army, and Concordia Provinciarum - harmony of the provinces.

Moon -  Last Quarter 48%

Yoga - Tadasana, Goddess Sequence, Vrishasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana, Stretching as far as I can for Hanumanasana, Uttanasana, Setu Bandhasana, Paschimottanasana, Baddhakonasana, Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyasana, Seated Mudra, Ujjayi & Mantra.

Card Message - The Lord
Take control of your life and offer clear and firm boundaries to those who depend on you.  Lead your life by being true to your values and you will accomplish great things.

16th January - Concordia
The goddess Concordia, principle of harmonious relations with all, is honoured.

Gratitude - Learning


  1. This website helped me sososososo much. Nothing else out there has explained Concordia in as much detail and depth. This is the exact thing I needed.

  2. You're welcome, I'm glad it helped :)
