Friday 25 November 2011

What is today???

Today is 25th November and a New Moon
It is a fairly well known fact within older traditions that the New Moon is generally a good time to begin project or use it as the starting point of something.  So any plans that you have been putting together may now be acted on.  Maybe to use it as the starting point for throwing out old unwanted habits and bring in new ones.  The body is at its prime time for detoxification on a New Moon too.

The dark days of the Moon (3 days of its absence, during the New Moon period), became a symbol of the passage of life into death and death into life.

Here are some superstitions associated with the New Moon -

The strongest storms and hurricanes are likely to be 1-3 days after a new moon and 3-5 days after a full moon.
Being without money when seeing a new moon is thought to be unlucky but if a person has some coins and turns them over without taking them out of their pocket, they will have plenty money over the month ahead and the wish that's made while turning the coins will be fulfilled.

Country-dwellers have long held the opinion that the time of the new moon is the time to plant crops.

It is considered to be better to plant vegetables which grow underground, i.e. potatoes and carrots, in the dark of the moon and plant vegetables which grow above ground, i.e. corn and beans, in the light of the moon.

25th November is an important day, for it is a day for commemorating the Wheel Goddess of the underworld, known as Persephone, Proserpina. Kore, Arianrod and Catherine - Queen of the Shades, ruler of the souls of the dead.  Also its St Catherine's Day - patron saint of lace-makers, spinners, rope-makers, wheelwrights, carpenters, young women, and female students, and some of these had customs particular to her day
Today was also formerly known as Women's Merrymaking Day - a festival of the celebrations of women's mysteries.

Moon - New Moon

Yoga - Cat, Butterfly, Fish, Seated Spinal Twist, Sun Salutation, Triangle, Cosmic Egg

Card Message - The World
Great success, a sense of deep and satisfying fulfillment.  A pleasing sense of completion with the joy of achievement and a feeling of being on top of the world. Serenity and contentment.  A phase of spiritual and personal development may be finished, a time to open up to the blessings of life all around.

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