Tuesday 3 January 2012

Dreaming Birth and Rebirth

Dreaming Birth and Rebirth

So, just been looking back through my blogs to find when I had the dream about being pregnant - I wrote it on the 27th, so therefore it must have been the night of the 26th.  The reason???  I've had dreams about being pregnant and giving birth again, but not just last night (2nd), but the night before too.

In the first one I had just given birth and had to look after this newborn...she was so beautiful and I had such love for her.  The dream seemed to consist of various points in her infancy, until about the toddling age...in all scenes we were together playing, loving, and laughing - there it ended.

In last night's dream I was still pregnant, but full term and ready to give birth.  I found myself in hospital during labour, seconds later I gave birth to a little girl.  My husband couldn't get there in time as it had been too, it had all happened so quick...but he was on his way and so was my mum.  Again, she was a beautiful little creature and I felt full of love for her.  I spoke to my husband over the phone and told him the good news, and also told him that I had called her 'Eleanor', just for now until we could decide, but he said he liked it and to keep it.. 

There we have it, each dream a little more vivid and cohesive than the last.  I'm aware of the symbolic meaning of a birth (as I blogged before), as the birth/beginning of something new...and I'm aware that dreams can give us answers/insight or reflect back on our current life...but I'm struggling to work out why this is becoming a reoccurring dream.  Have I not understood the message?  Is there something I haven't thought of yet?  Something I've missed?  Or is my higher self just making sure I've got the message loud and clear, by repeating it?  I don't know the answer to these questions yet, and I'm happy to hear others thoughts on this matter, until then it's an open case.

Oh yes, one last thing...when I pulled a card from the tarot this morning it was rebirth!!!!!!

Moon - Waxing Gibbous 63%

Yoga - Tadasana, Star, Vrikshasana, Gomukha Virasana, Marjaryasana/Bitilasana, Moondance, Anjaneyasana, Balasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Prayer Twist & Nadi Shodhana

Card Message - Rebirth
You hear the call and awaken to the new light of day.  You have entered the darkness and drunk of the cup of silence.  You have chosen life and emerge reborn.
The Power of the Call.  You may have heard the power of the call of your vocation, your mission in life, the spiritual path you are seeking, or simply the call of a new direction you need to take.  Rebirth into a life that is more fully your own.  You may have come to a crossroads in your life, and a decision is required that will take you in a new direction.

3rd January - St Genevieve/Customary Kalends of January
Customary Kalends of January dedicated to St Genevieve, patroness or genius loci of the city of Paris.

If January Kalends be summerly gay,
'Twill be wintry weather till the Kalends of May.

Gratitude - Dreams

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