Tuesday 31 January 2012



Sometimes life is hard
Sometimes there's is no hiding
Sometimes it hurts
Sometimes there's no words
Sometimes there are tears
Sometimes many
Sometimes you feel helpless
Sometimes it's ok
Sometimes you need to be gentle with yourself, and
Sometimes trust

Moon - First Quarter 53%

Yoga - Tadasana, Marjaryasana/Bitilasana, Virabhadrasana Eka & Dvi, Parasita Padottanasana, Utthita Parsvokonasana, Goddess, Vrikshasana, Setu Bandhasana, Halasana, Hanumanasana & Ardha Matsyasana.

Card Message - Two of Wands
The energy and potential of a partnership.  Allowing the relationship between two ideas, projects, or feelings to unfold and open up new areas of possibility.  Although you are satisfied that you have everything you need, you may also long for more.  You may be searching for deeper meaning, or contemplating taking a journey.

31st January - February Eve/Norns/Disir and Valkyries
February Eve, start of the festival of Imbolc or Brigantia.  Also a day sacred to the Valkyries, and the Norns.

Gratitude - Trust

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