Sunday 15 January 2012

Mirrors of oneself

I found this picture and quote on facebook this week, and it rang so true, that I thought I'd blog it as not to lose it!
Read on......

"The only true relationship there is, is with oneself. All "other" relationships are mere mirrors of this to help us awaken to our true nature as pure Love-presence. And as such, these relationships can be used to discover more about who we truly are, and/or peel more onion layers of who we are not.

There is a programmed compulsion to easily blame the other or even oneself. This blame distracts us from our real awakening work, which is to honestly look at oneself with massive amounts of gentleness and compassion. I find that the most effective way to be around this work is neutral. This allows us to "see" clearest, and find that place of "right action" beyond the personality to serve the bigger picture/ the emergence of Love as a collective experience on this planet.

Love & blessings to all courageous beings who are choosing to be in intimate relationships; they can be so challenging but with the right attitude and understanding, they are a fast track to awakening one's genuine and brilliant nature as unconditional Joy, Love and Freedom! ♥"

- Francois Levannier,

It's been a tough ole week, my closest relationships have been steeped in turbulance and negativity....not of my choosing. So to read that our relationships mirror our relationship with ourselves, was a bit of a shock!!  It's not that I haven't heard of it before it's that, it hadn't ever graced my presence, with such turmoil around me.  "Timing is everything" - goes the quote!!!

So I've really had to look within myself to work out what I'm doing and where, I'm slipping up. 
It IS difficult to picking yourself apart to find the negative aspects, (ego) playing games, conjuring up self doubt, and bad feeling.  Ususally by the time you've got to this point, you are mentally fatigued, and although you are aware that you shouldn't have let that voice in your head, sway your heart to such dark are now so tired that the climb up and out seems monumental.  It isn't as hard as it seems, as long as your aware that the voice calling you back down is not you....not your true self, but your ego.....then the road back up, back to the positive you, becomes easier and lighter with each footstep. 

I'll leave you with this that came to me after mantra......

Do not worry yourself with the wrong doing of others...

To decide they are wrong, is to pass judgement...

And whatever their actions, karma will redress the balance.  

And one last yourself, for who you are X

Moon - Waning Gibbous 55%

Yoga - Tadasana, Surya Namaskara, Goddess Sequence, Marjaryasana/Bitilasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Baddhakonasana, Gomukhasana, Arhda Matsyasana, Bhramari & Mantra

Card Message - Ten of Cups (feeling/emotion & heart)
A promise filled.  Dreams really can come true;you can be blessed with good fortune, success, and a warm, loving family.  Rainbows appear after it has rained - the storm is over and the indicationsare that the positive situationwill endure.  Happiness, spiritual and emotional blessings.

15th January - Carmentalia (second festival)
Carmentalia was the feast day (11 January and 15 January) of the Roman goddess Carmenta, an ancient oracle who later was deified by the Romans. She had her temple atop Capitoline Hill. Carmenta was invoked in it as Postvorta and Antevorta, epithets which had reference to her power of looking back into the past and forward into the future. The festival was chiefly observed by women.        

Gratitude - Love

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