Saturday 21 January 2012

Rowan (Luis) - Lady of the Mountain

Rowan (Luis) - Lady of the Mountain

Rowan (Luis), is the 2nd tree in the Tree Ogham, it's ruling time runs from January 21st - February 17th, during which one of the four great pagan sabbats of the year takes place – Imbolc (Feb 2nd), Luis means flame or bright in Gaelic, this is probably due to the bright red berries that the Rowan tree produces each summer.  The Rowan tree can grow up to 200 years old and is a very hardy tree that will grow in the poorest soil, often growing on the sides of mountains - hence the name 'Lady of the Mountain'.  It is also known as Quickenwood, Quickbane, Sorbapple, Witchenwood, Rune Tree, and Witchbane.

Ruling Planet - The Sun

Deities - Brigid, Lugh the Sun God, Dagda, by the Welsh Ceridwen, as well as by the great Norse God Thor and the Germanic Hecate.

Polarity - Masculine

Elements - Fire

Medicinal Properties - Rowan berries are very high in vitamin C, They contain sorbic acid, making them very astringent and should normally be boiled and then strained before use, as eating the berries raw can easily cause stomach upsets. The berries are best prepared into jellies or syrups, where the pulp and seeds are strained out, as the seeds and possibly the leaves are known to contain some toxic properties.  Often used as a laxative and for sore throats/hoarseness...a decoction of the bark can be used as an astringent.

Magical Properties - Rowan gives protection against enchantment and evil spirits, rowan twigs were used to protect properties against negative forces.  There are hundreds of references telling of the use of crosses made from rowan twigs and bound with red thread, rowan berry necklaces and rowan loops and used as a charm or amulet. Small pieces were sewn into clothes or simply carried in pockets. The wood was considered good only if collected from a living tree, after asking the Rowan’s permission. Some thought fairies lived in its branches, and stealing the wood without consent might focus their anger at you.  Walking sticks made from Rowan protected the owner whilst out walking, against evil spirits.
Dowsing sticks made of Rowan are good for seeking out metal ore.
It is a sacred tree to the Druids, who used it for protection against sorcery, they burnt it on funeral pyres, as it symbolises death and rebirth.  It was also burnt in rites of divination and purification.
The Rowan trees also gave protection to ancient sites, stone circles and ley lines, trees were purposely planted to safeguard these sacred sites. 
They have a very strong connection with serpent's and dragon' Irish mythology dragon's would watch over Rowan trees, who in turn would give protection to these earth dragons.  These dragons in the land were the earth energy, often seen as spirals,coils and circles within the landscape; the dragons were believed to coil themselves around hills, creating these shapes.

Moon - Waning Crescent 14 %

Yoga - Tadasana, Surya Namaskara

Card Message - The Moon
Fear is a powerful teacher and ally.  If you can walk through the gates of fear you will arrive at the gates of the Goddess, who will bless you with inner vision.

21st January - St Agnes' Day/Celtic tree month of Luis commences.
Traditionally, St Agnes' Day is a time for divination by fire.

Gratitude - Sleep

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