Monday 9 January 2012

Flower Spirit Cards

Flower Spirit Cards

I've just started using a set of cards called the Flower Spirit Cards, and how found them amazing to work with.  I was given them a few years ago, but I didn't find that they resonated at all, so I put them up for sale.  In 2 years they haven't sold, so they've sat in the corner of a room waiting to be sold with a pile of other books.  Recently though they have been calling me, so I've pulled them out of the pile, dusted them down and decided to use them.

I was absolutely amazed at the reading I received from it today, it is beautiful..............

Wild Carrot
It is time to soften those hard, overprotective edges of your character to reveal a gentler, more accepting side of yourself.  It is important to be aware of and nurture both our feminine and masculine energies and to create harmony with both. 
Have a look at your closest relationships and observe how many different roles you are acting out.  Do you tend to mother and nurture those around you, or do you expect someone else to do that while you concentrate on achieving goals and expressing a more more masculine energy?  Often we fall into set patterns and lose sight of the innate gentleness and acceptance that is in all of us.
Be still and become more whole by accessing the powerful, gentle nurturer within you.  We all need to feel safe and protected in order to open out to our vulnerable soft nature, which is beautiful and soothing.  Take time to notice where you are denying your own gentleness and begin to ease it out into the open again.  Reveal the real you behind your protective shell and witness how much strength you gain by allowing a new vulnerability and honesty into your life.  Your new found softness will be be your strongest guardian from now on and will create more balance in your life

Some of the aspects of this message also link in with the healing that my friend gave me on Saturday, so the message is coming through loud and clear, and has given plenty to think on.

They are a lovely set of cards, I'm so glad they weren't sold in the end.......for everything there is a reason.  X

Moon - Waning Gibbous 95%

Yoga - Tadasana, Moondance, Marjaryasanana/Bitilasana, Uttanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Purvottanasana, Halasana, Sarsangasana, Baddhakonasana, Paschimottanasana, GomukhasanaArdha Matsyendrasana, and Bhramari.

Card Message - Prince of Pentacles (sensation/the senses, the body)
A practical, patient and methodical  approach to a project may be needed.  These qualities may need to be used in order to improve  your health through exercise and nutrition.  An impending overland journey.

9th January - Whoops - I was a day early with this - amended now!!!  Raud the Strong's Day - King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway executed Raud by making him swallow a snake. His crime was refusing to give up Asatru. Tryggvason then confiscated Raud`s land and all his other wealth. Praise Raud by lifting a horn (or cup or glass) in his honour, and by doing something deliberate to spread the religion King Olaf tried so hard to stamp out.

Gratitude - Courage

1 comment:

  1. A lovely soothing post, thankyou Elaine. :o)
    Jess xx
