Monday 23 January 2012

Chinese New Year 2012 - Year of the Water Dragon

Chinese New Year 2012 - Year of the Water Dragon

Chinese New Year is observed for two consecutive weeks, and is popularly known as Spring Festival. It usually starts from late January and early February. The variation in the date of festival is due to the changes in the track of the new moon. The Spring Festival ends on the 15th day when the Lantern festival is celebrated - this is the year of the Water Dragon.

The Dragon is the major symbol of good luck and fortune, it brings the 4 blessings of the East - wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity.  It is an auspicious year to be born in, many try for children to be born in a dragon year. 
"Bigger than life" is the way of the dragon, so expect things to happen on a spectacular scale (pardon the pun!).

Dragon years can make dreams a reality; it is associated with the season of spring.  So get any ideas and plans in motion during this time.  Energetic high points are during the Dragon moon - May 20th ~ June 18th, this period will set the energy for the forthcoming year - yin water snake.

The element for this year is water, creating a water dragon.  The water element nourishes the fixed wood element of the dragon, which brings the sense of harmony.  Since 1996 the element of the year has been destructive with the element of the animal sign, this period has been the longest unfavourable one in the last 60 years of the chinese astrology cycle.  2012 breaks this cycle, making this year a harmonius and favourable one.

It is a Yang year, and yang water is flowing water, rather than a stagnant pool; this will keep the prosperity, and creativity flowing.

Moon - New Moon 1%

Yoga - Tadasana, Earth Sequence, Marjaryasana/Bitilasana, Garudasana, Hanumanasana, Sarvangasana, Dhanurasana, Baddhakonasana, Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyasana

Card Message - Nine of Pentacles (9's - completness, idealism & leadership) & (pentacles - earth, sensation/the senses & body)
Receiving an unearned income.  No longer needing to work to earn a living.  Luxaries, hobbies and pleasures.  You may be keen to succeed - both materially and spiritually.  Affirming your values.  Enjoying the benefits of a successful and full life on your own.  A productive, active and settled life, in which you are self assured and spiritually aware.

23rd January - Goddess month of Bridhe commences

Gratitude - Laughter

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