Tuesday 17 January 2012

Yoga for Me and Yoga for you!

Yoga for Me and Yoga for you!

For me it is a journey, and I'm still right at the beginning...I feel.  I have the yoga adventure of a lifetime laid out in front of me.  I can't wait to explore, to find new asanas, practises, styles, philosophy, culture, meditations and mantras, and much more......every day for years to come. 

Yoga is a way of life (in it's fullest sense), a blended system of education for the mind, body, and spirit.  This way of life was perfected thousands of years ago, but is still as relevant today, as it was back then.  It is a tool, a practical aid, so therefore is not religious and can be practised by all people, regardless of their beliefs.  Yoga is union with all.

I practise Hatha Yoga once a week at class; I am lucky to have an amazing teacher who is very passionate about all things yoga.  From our class teachings, I then practise every day...at first it was just the asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathing techniques), then I started wanting to find out more about the philosophy.  Very soon after that I wanted to start bringing in other aspects too, such as meditation, and more recently, mantra. 

Hatha Yoga is a form of Raja Yoga....this is a system based on concentration and control of the mind. Healthy living, good morals and steady practise of poses and breath regulation are advocated, to achieve the understanding to tap into the latent abilities and energy that we do not use, that lay dormant in every one of us. 
Raja Yoga is known for observing 'The Eight Steps of Yoga', compiled by Patanjali over a thousand years ago.  It is known as the Yoga Sutras, and helps us to gain control of the inner workings of our minds.   These eight steps are -

1) Yamas (abstentions) -  non-violence, truth, non-stealing, chastity/moderation & non-covetousness.

2) Niyamas (observances) - purity, contentment, discipline/self-discipline, study, & devotion to god/source of all creation.

3) Asanas - Steady poses.

4) Pranayama - Control of vital energy.

5) Pratyahara - Withdrawal of senses.

6) Dharana - Concentration of the mind.

7) Dhyana - Meditation.

8) Samadhi - The super-conscious state.

There are different paths through yoga too, not just Raja.   There is also Karma Yoga (selfless service), Jnana Yoga (philosophical path), and Bhakti (devotional path); there are as many different paths of yoga, for as many different people.  Yoga is as diverse as the humans that practise it.

Of course, it's not to everyones liking to get involved at a deep level, and  many practise just the asanas and eat healthy, just for the benefits to the body alone. It's commonly understood that our body's are a vehicle for the mind and soul, so therefore it is important to look after it. 

Since taking up yoga, I've thought a lot about my lifestyle, and my thought processes....it's made me think more about a lot of things!!!!    My diet....I'm still trying to integrate more raw food into it and keep myself hydrated.   My thoughts.....trying to keep them positive, rather than allowing the negative ones to creep in.   Making sure that I get exercise,  practise the asanas, and get enough sleep too.  Relaxation....making sure that I meditate regularly and balance my activities, so I'm not on the go all the time. 
I know that I have a normal life enough western world life i.e.........fast paced, work, bills, etc......and also I'm no super bendy yogini, that lives off juices, and meditates in my very own ashram.  My way is integration of the two,  a blending of both worlds....it is my very own personal path, and it is a path that I am loving........for it's helping me learn about life and also myself. 
Love, life.....live yoga X

Moon - Waxing Crescent 41%

Yoga - Tadasana, Marjaryasana - Bitilasana - Adho Mukha Svanasana - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Uttanasana, Virahadrasana Eka, Dvi & Tri, Goddess Sequence, Vasisthasana, trying my best at Hanamanasana, Janu Sirsasana, Baddhakonasana, Gomukhasana, Prayer Twist, Kneeling Mudra, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama & Mantra.

Card Message - Queen of Cups (Queens - creativity, compassion, awareness and nurturing) & (cups - Water, feeling, emotion and heart)
May signify you, your mother, a therapist, or a woman that inspires love in you, stirs the depths of your emotional nature.  The profession of acting or the world of theatre and film.  Work in the field of relationship counselling and healing.

17th January - Felicitas
A day sacred to the Roman goddess Felicitas, goddess of good luck and success.  She was an important figure in Rome's state religion, during the empire.  She became a popular symbol of Rome's wealth and fortune, frequently being depicted on coins.

Gratitude - Generosity


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fab post. I too love the fusing of the yogic philosophy and way of life with the way of me, creating my own path. It is in the end the only way that works and sticks, trying to be what you aren't is no good. I'm enjoying that our paths are side by side at times, you're a great friend to wander and explore with Hxx
