Saturday 28 January 2012

The astrolgical ME

The astrological ME

I've always had a curious interest in astrology, but never enough to delve into the deeper aspects of the subject.  For a period of time in the past I got quite into Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, rearranging the house and researching the signs of members of family.  I really hadn't given it much thought to be honest in many years, until now.  I was watching a programme on 'Illumination' - the ancient practise of illuminating text with pictures, found in old manuscripts, bibles, and tomes.  It seems that back in Medieval times astrology was a highly regarded science, and the royal court had it's own astrologer.  This was a very important role and awarded the practitioner many rewards, as long 'of course' as you predicted correctly.  King Henry VIII's astrologer predicted he would father many, many healthy strong sons (which of course he did, but they were bastards), but records show that this astrologer disappeared after a few years - after only Edward was born.

The next marker was finding out about the element and animal for the Chinese new year, it was an interesting journey back to what I was once very much into.  Interesting to find out too, that up to this new year there has been a long period of disharmony with the year element and animal element, but the Water Dragon ( this years element and animal) is changing all of that.  I rest my case with that one, because within this first week, we've had two major changes/news that are positive and have seemingly come from nowhere.

The third marker came as I was reviewing my approach to art and crafts, and I realised that I really was displaying quite a few of the characteristic of my western star sign Aries.

So I thought I'd revisit my astrologically assigned self and see if now I'm a little older and wiser, I can see anymore of myself in them.........


20th March - 19th April

Element - Fire

Quality - Cardinal, associated with spring, strong, creative thrust and powerful expression of energy

Ruling Planet - Mars, the planet of activity and assertiveness, also competitiveness, impulsiveness, and instinct to act spontaneously
The Sun is also strongly associated with this sign, which it governs by exaltation. The solar-
association is seen as adding expression of the ego, and the desire to make a mark as an individual.

General astrological compatibility of Aries with other signs
SignHighest compatibilityHigh compatibilityLow compatibility
AriesSagittarius, LeoGemini, Libra, AquariusTaurus, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn

According to Alan Leo, generally considered to be the founder of modern psychological astrology and sun sign astrology, people born with the sun in Aries are "always looking forward, they are leaders in ideals and pioneers of advanced thought. They have great mental energy but are inclined to be very headstrong and impulsive. They are always prophetic, and love to predict things that will happen. They can look ahead into the future and foresee things with remarkable clearness of vision. When freed from other influences and not slaves to their personality, they become truly clairvoyant, and are remarkably gifted in this direction. This sign gives extreme ideality, and those born under it are more ideal than practical. They are always full of new schemes and plans, ever exploring and originating. They are fond of constant change, loving novelty, romance and speculation and nearly always live in a world of theory. They are very highly strung, sometimes hyper-sensitive and are remarkable for their perception. They seem to live more in the perceptive region of their brain than the reflective, and they are rarely deceived where perception is concerned."

This is denying it, faults and all.....I think all the time, rarely switch off....and strangely when pulling tarot cards, 'Swords' always come out - thinking, intellect and mind!!!!

So my Chinese Astrological sign......

Metal Boar 1911, 1971

This is a proud, passionate Boar with overpowering sentiments, who values their reputation.  Intense and more dominating than other Boars, often with excessive appetites and may lack refinement or tact.
Will exerts less control over their personal life than the other Boars, and can't help being sociable, extroverted and openly demonstrative with affections.  Not likely to be secretive but will be direct and and trusting, even credulous.  As a result, will underestimate enemies and overestimates his friends.  Ambitious and forceful, but not always objective, the Metal Boar could be a dangerous opponent, as he can be violent in expressing his anger or resentment.
The Boar will not concede defeat graciously.  He will never be a quitter and relied on to have immense powers of endurance.  An active doer blessed with great positive strength, the staunch Metal Boar will have enough vigour for ten.
(from The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes)

Compatibility - Rabbit, Sheep and Boar
Incompatibility - Snake

Oooo some of these attributes make me wince, thankfully I can say I'm not a violent person, volatile, but not violent!!  Another astrological sign of I doubly blessed or cursed???

I was born in the half-month of Ehwaz 30th March - 14th April.......
Sound: “e” as in “every”
Stands for: Horse
Colour: Red (White)
Casting meaning: Ehwaz reminds us that in order for success there must be a natural flow in the task at hand. With this rune to give us power as well as it making use of our good intentions we can surely achieve such success. 

So here we have 'me' in a nutshell...a full on person, that flows through thoughts all the time, with the passion and energy to see every event through to end, but also enough energy to fire up ideas and arguments alike!!!

Moon - 32%

Yoga - Surya Namaskara, Gate Sequence, Ardha Matyasana

Card Message - The Hermit (Major Arcana)
Turn away from the distractions of the outer world, and seek guidance.  In silence and solitude discover new depths, and refresh your soul at the source of all life.

28th January - Runic half-month of Elhaz commences
This half-month is a period of optimistic power, protection and sanctuary.

Gratitude - Faith

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