The creator within me
I just love creating....and that is an understatement!!!
I spend so many hours of my life, sewing, knitting, crocheting, drawing, painting, growing, paper crafting, jewellery making, cooking, baking, taking photographs, and writing poetry & blogs......though not all at once, these phases usually cycle round, and some I'm more drawn to than others.
What I have found through all these hobbies is that it's not so much about following patterns, instructions and recipes, it's all about throwing myself in and experimenting.
And of course with this method there are always going to be plenty of disasters and lots of half made creations that didn't make it......but these only enable me to understand where I went wrong, and usually it all gets recycled or in the case of baking - 'fed to the ducks'!!!!
I'm also aware that it IS the dreaming up, imagining, and designing, that I enjoy.....just as much as the creating itself. I have tried to make lots of the same things up i.e. cards, earrings etc, for selling, and it doesn't work! I start getting bored, my thoughts are elsewhere........the next concept!!! So I don't worry about it anymore, I don't get hung up, I just make a few things together and then move on, enjoying the journey, as I go.
I also used to worry that I had to do things by the book all the time. So if I wanted to paint, I would have to learn or take a course, and then I would have to stick with the rules. Now I don't care!!! Of course to practise a craft you have to learn the skill - however you choose to do it, but after can do what you like! Anything goes!!!! It doesn't matter what people think, what matters is enjoying the process.....and strangely, when you are happy just creating, it then shows in the finished item. You imbue your creations with your emotions, for when you feel good so does does everything you touch.
I'm finding more and more crafts and skills that I want to learn everyday....and it keeps me inspired. So get your imaginations going, get creating, and enjoy. X
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One of my creations - Lady of the Yew |
Yoga - Tadasana, Trikonasana, Parsvottanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Utthita Hasta Pandanguthasana, Vasisthasana, Baddhakonasana, Janu Sirsasana, Halasana, Shalabhasana, Sphinx, Gomukhasana, Paschimottanasana, Adha Matsyasana & Yoga Mudra.
Card Message - The Feferyllt
Allow inner and outer, masculine and feminine, to blend within you to give birth to your Creative Self.
24th January - Sementivae, also known as Feriae Sementivae, is a Roman festival of sowing.
It is held in honour of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth). The initial half of the event is a festival in honour of Tellus which runs from January 24 through January 26. The festival honouring Ceres occurs one week later, starting February 2.
Cornish Tinners' and Seafarers' Day - it is an old "labour day" celebrating the new season of sailing and mining in Cornwall. In the old wooden calendars known as clog almanacks, rimstocks, or prim-staves, each eve or aften was marked by a letter "A".
Gratitude - Imagination
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