Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Ups and the Downs

The Ups and the Downs

We all have ups and downs, highs and lows, peaks and troughs, and all for a good many reasons. The difference is how we deal with them. I'm at a bit 'down' point, but I know that all the things that are getting to me, aren't really real...what I mean is it's a matter of perspective. Situations arise all the time, but it's how we cope with them, do you accept it and know that all will work out well, or do succumb to the grief and wallow?
So I'm trying to not it it swallow help I turned to Swami Satchidananda in 'The Golden Present' and opened the book at a random page, and this is it....

It's Available To Everyone

Contentment is God.  A contented mind is a peaceful mind;it is not disturbed.  That is why we say "Contentment is golden."  If you are contented, your mind is always peaceful, serene.  Then you are a yogi automatically.  That's the only qualification.  The sign of a good yogi is to be always peaceful, always contented.  Once you experience that, you will not be running after things.  The minute you stop running after things, what happens?  Things run after you.

If you can see that kind of quality in others, you will never feel jealousy.  Instead, you will say, "Why don't I develop that?"  God's blessings and grace are not given only to a select few.  They are available to everyone.

Moon - Waxing Gibbous 70%

Yoga - Tadasana, Surya Namaskara, Tri PadaAdho Mukha Svanasana, Marjaryasana?Bitilasana, Sasangasana, Halasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Sahaja Purvottanasana, Krishna Balance, Badhakonasana, Ardha Matysendrasana & Ujjayi Pranayama.

Card Message - The Lord
Take control of your life and offer clear and firm boundaries to those who depend on you.  Lead your life by being true to your values and you will accomplish great things.
The structure needed for success - The Lord's strong will, rational thinking and adherence to principles must be tempered by The Lady's passion and feeling.  A father figure, employer or authority figure, or government or official body.  You may be called upon to act responsibly and in line with your values.  If you are in a position of leadership, don't be afraid to act with clarity and integrity for the greater good.

4th January - 46 BC - Titus Labienus defeats Julius Caesar in the Battle of Ruspina.
                     871 - Battle at Reading: Ethelred of Wessex beats Danish invasion army
                     1863 - 4 wheeled roller skates patented by James Plimpton of NY
Gratitude - Respect

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