Thursday 12 January 2012

What I would like to be when I grow up...

What I would like to be when I grow up...

At the moment I'm job hunting and it's one of the most depressing things to do, especially at this time, when there is little about.  There are jobs out there, but nothing that fits in or suits; it's difficult when you have family responsibilities, jobs have to fit around family, and finding one of those is rare.  So as I'm looking down countless lists of jobs I have to think about me, what I'm capable of, and what I'm experienced at...... the answer to that,   is 'lots of things'!

I can clean,
look after and understand kids,
look after and understand pets,
I'm capable of basic diy,
I'm a good gardener and know a little about the native wildlife,
I can grow food, prep it and cook it, as well as cooking and baking other foods,
I can sew,
I take decent photos,
I can draw and paint,
I make jewellery,
I can do healing,
I'm a fairly good at conservation,
I'm an avid yogini,
I an amateur stargazer,
and I'm venturing into raw food.

There isn't a job spec out there it seems, that is asking for all or even some of these skills....they are the skills that currently fit me and my family.  They are the things that I love doing!

So where do I go from here?  Well, where it all began....

I love the starting phrase 'When I grow up I want to be........', it's usually heard from a pre-teen child, an age when there are no real classes, or boundaries.  A time when anything is possible!!  You could be a king/queen, astronaut, zoo keeper, pirate, angel/fairy or perhaps a doctor, this list was endless.

I can't remember what I wanted to be be when I grew up (I loved animals and nature though), but I do remember the sobering realisation that as I grew up that there were limits, social classes and boundaries.  It seems a shame that as we grow, we seem more limited, the real world sinks in and imagination fade......but thankfully there are still plenty of people that keep there options wide open, and their imaginations running. I don't fit in to the secretary, receptionist  role...if I did I would be there!  I'm not a nurse or sports coach either!  My
I know there is is something out there for me.....I know what I want to be....

To be a yoga teacher and a healer (of all things), and my sideline/hobby is to be my photography and art (all based on nature, yoga and healing).

So, I have to to trust that the opportunity will arise/ trust that the universe will provide...and I believe it will.  X

Moon - Waning Gibbous 75%

Yoga - Marjaryasana/Bitilasana, Goddess Sequence, Natarajasana, Dolphin, Shalabhasana, Sphinx, Baddhakonasana, Paschimottanasana, Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana and Bhramari.
Mantra - 'Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama'

Card Message - Ace of Pentacles
Material benefits.  A job offer, promotion or salary increase, or an inheritance or windfall.  A new contract or a career could change augur well.  In a realtionship, a situationthat is well grounded: secure, peaceful and enduring.

12th January - Compitalia/The Lares/St Distaff's Day
Roman festival of Compitalia celebrates the household gods, the Lares.  On St. Distaff's Day, named after a sanctified tool rather than an individual, women would resume their spinning after Yule.  The day is sacred to the chief goddess of Old England, Frigg, whose followers were called the Freefolk.  Although she is associated with the distaff, not all areas of life under her guidence are about work :

'Partly work and partly play,
Ye must on St. Distaff's Day'

Gratitude - Surrender and trust......'That all will be provided'

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