Monday 26 December 2011

Wren Day

Wren Day

Wren day also known as Wren's day, Hunt the Wren Day or The Hunting of the Wrens (Irish - Lá an Dreoilín) celebrated on 26 December, St. Stephen's Day. The tradition consists of "hunting" a fake wren, and putting it on top of a decorated pole.  Hunting a wren was prohibited at all other times of year.  Then the crowds celebrated by dressing up in masks, straw suits and colourful array of clothing (drolens, wrenboys or straw boys), and accompanied by traditional céilí music bands, parade through the towns and villages.

In the past, an actual bird was hunted by Wrenboys on St. Stephen's Day. The captured wren was tied to the Wrenboy leader's staff pole. The captured wren would be kept alive as the popular mummers' parade song states 'A penny or tuppence would do it no harm'. The song, of which there are many variations, asked for donations from the townspeople. Often, the boys gave a feather from the bird to patrons for good luck. The money was used to host a dance for the town, held that night. The pole, decorated with ribbons, wreaths and flowers, as well as the Wren, was the centre of the dance. Over time, the live bird was replaced with a fake one that is hidden, rather than chased. The band of young boys has expanded to include girls, and adults often join in. The money that is collected from the townspeople is usually donated to a school or charity. A celebration is still held around the decorated pole.

"The Wren, the Wren, the king of all birds.
On St Stephen's Day, was caught in the furze.
We hunted him far and we hunted him near.
And found him under the bushes here.
Hurrah, my boys, hurrah!
Hurrah, my boys, hurrah!
Knock at the knocker and ring at the bell.
And give us a copper for singing so well"

On a different note, the wren is immortilised in the old poem, in which she is married off to Robin Red Breast......below is a link to a copy that I wrote up  - x!/elaine.allsopp?sk=notes

Moon - Waxing Crescent 9%

26th December - Wren Day/ St Stephen's Day/ Boxing Day

Gratitude - Family

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