Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Tree Mother

What is a Tree Mother ?

 The “Tree Mothers” or “Mother Trees” are female tree spirits much older and wiser than their younger counterparts, and have become known as matriarchal trees with a plethora of important spiritual wisdom to offer those eager to learn.
Tree mothers can be extremely intense to work with, ranging from the emotion of motherly comfort to the challenge of spiritual development and growth. The specific knowledge gleaned from such a tree depends on the species and the age through which the tree has lived, which can often span many centuries.
Tree mothers tend to be found in very old or mature trees, often in an ancient wood, and sometimes even in groups. The aura and spirit of the tree will feel much older and wiser than other trees.

I found this rather interesting info on the link below

Read more at Suite101: What are Tree Spirits?: Working With the Faeries and Spirits Associated with Trees |

The reason I have decided to blog about this tonight is that there is a huge Ash tree not far from where I live, which feels like it could be a Tree Mother.  Before it was lopped 2 years back, it stood nearly 30 metres and had an amazing spread, but because it was so close to houses it had to be made safe - thankfully now its growing back.

Its a beautiful tree and very striking, with a large slit like opening down the trunk, very much resembling a woman's vagina (another reason why it makes me think of a Tree Mother).

The ruling planet for the Ash tree is the sun, its a tree that links the inner and outer worlds, it is a tree of quick intellect, clarity and 'Aquarian Age' energy.  It stands supreme above all other trees, being 'The World Tree' a symbol of universality which spreads it limbs over every land and links humans, gods and the dead.  It it the tree that Odin hung himself from to receive great illumination in the form of runes, and so became known as Askr Yggdrasill, Odin's Magical Steed.  Odin's spear, Gungnir, was made from Ash, which he used to stir up trouble in the world. 
Ash is known for its speed over land and water, hence it was a favourite for making arrows.
Although Ash is ruled by the sun it still responds to the subtlety of the more feminine water element.  The Ash is an interpreter and aligner of energies and it is the 5th of the sacred trees of the Ogham.

I spent some time with this particular tree earlier in the year, when the surrounding bushes had died back enough that I could get close enough to touch.  I had a very simple visual from doing so.......
I started seeing green rings that were spinning and then spiraling.  They started from the centre of my vision, and moved in an outwards motion, to left and right.  This then formed the spiraling horns on a Ram's head.
According to the Druid Oracle cards the Ram is associated with an acheivement of a breakthrough, rootedness, stability and the ability to overcome and succeed.

This is now a very special tree for me and one that I will keep visiting.......always listening and learning   x

Moon - Waxing Gibbous 80%

Yoga - Sun Salutation, Warriors 1, 2 & 3, Hare, Pigeon & Child

Card Message - Three of Swords
Heartache, True Growth, Wisdom from Suffering
Suffering can lead to greater wisdom.  Heartache, out of which can come healing and emotional maturity.  The potential for true growth and transformation, we can learn and grow from conflicts and difficulties, rathre than feel victimized by them.

On This Day - Egyptian Day

Space 1995 Jupiter Galileo spacecraft
December 7th, 1995 : The unmanned Galileo spacecraft arrives at the planet Jupiter on it's mission to study the planet and its moons. It had been launched on October 18, 1989 6 years earlier by the Space Shuttle Atlantis.     

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