Monday 5 December 2011

In the thick of sleepwalking.....or present?

Often its when I'm out cycling that I will get an odd thought or profound quote that will pop in my head and I always try to remember them!

I was mulling over the fact that there had been quite a lot of dramatic changes happen around me, in just one week, and I was seemingly coping with them, but I hadn't really taken it all in!!!  As I was thinking about what had actually just happened, it dawned on me that a lot of the time we really only seem to be 'half awake', in a sort of semi-slumber mode.

Life has a habit of  'its all going well and then everything can change in an instant', as I've blogged before, there are always challenges, its just that some can be pretty dramatic or life changing.  During these times we really feel in touch with our emotions whether they be elated or grief stricken, or somewhere in between.  All of our senses are emerged into the one experience and it can be all consuming, overwhelming and you just wish you could have a break from it all...........and then what? 

Just plodding along through I like to call it.  Not really taking part, just going about your day on auto pilot. 
Not remembering what you've just done, or saying something to someone and not really paying attention to what you're saying or what they're saying - sleepwalking!!!  We can stay in this mode for quite some time.....daydreaming, not really being 'present' in life, cut off from our own senses. 

We can seem to swing wildly from one extreme to the other, and in neither space are we fully present to all both instances our minds are elsewhere.  We are not fully engaging our senses with the world, we are not reaching the full experience of life and we should for that is why we are here, to partcipate, to open our mind, body and spirits to the present of all that is.

To stay present in everyday life, it helps to be deeply rooted within yourself; otherwise, the mind, which has incredible momentum, will drag you along like a wild river.

ECKHART TOLLE, The Power of Now

Moon - Waxing Gibbous 67%

Yoga - Sun Salutation

Card Message - (This one I did for Evie)   Ten of Cups (water, feeling, emotion & heart)
Happiness, love and fulfillment.  A promise fulfilled, dreams come true, you can be blessed with good fortune, success and a warm loving family.  Rainbows appear after the rain, the storm is over and the indications are that the positive situatio will endure.  Loving and permanant relationships, happiness, spiritual and emotional blessings.

On This Day - Eve of St Nicholas/Nones of December
In former times on the Eve of St Nicholas, children put out carrots, hay and straw, supposedly for his horse, to be exchanged for presents in the night.
(The Pagan Book of Days - Nigel Pennick)

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