Wednesday 28 December 2011

I want to know more....

I eager to know more....

Today I'm filled with a desire to plan myself some goals for next year...there is so much I want to explore!

I would like to try dowsing, I have dabbled with it before, but I think I would like to explore it further.....definitely into the Earth energy side of things.  Living in The New Forest there is an absolute wealth of places to dowse in, and it would be very interesting in what it might turn up.

I would like to train with druid order, there are many courses out there that run as a correspondence course, and this seems just perfect.  I feel very close to the earth...always have done, and would like to understand the lessons that have been taught for millenia about the worlds around us.

I would like to read and become more familiar with the work of Dr Masuru Emoto.

I have already set in place, training with "The Healing Trust", so I will be able to heal all....people, animals, plants and land.

Yoga is definitely one route which I will be delving into on deeper levels, I have already been practising yoga for 18 months now, but only recently have I been practising everyday, and feeling so much better for it.  I would like to take this further in the next year, as there are many aspects of yoga which I can explore.

So far this seems enough, as it takes time to understand and practise many of the above activities and skills, so I don't want to overload myself.... and I'm sure as always other things will present they often do.  X

Moon - Waxing Crescent 22%

Yoga - Surya Namaskara, Gate Sequence, Sarvangasana, Matsyendrasana

Card Message - Queen of Wands
A calling to voluntary or charitable work, or to working with the powers of the land - particularly those related to 'the fire in the earth' of dragon or ley lines.

28th December - Bairns' Day/ Holy Innocents' Day/ Runic half - month of Eoh commences.
Holy Innocents' Day or Bairns' Day, commemorates Herod's slaughter of infant boys under the age of two.  Folk tradition considers Bairns' Day by far the unluckiest day of the year, when no work should be started.  This is the month of rune Eoh, representing the dead, and the yew tree, sacred to winter shamanism.
(from "The Pagan Book of Days")

Gratitude - creativity

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