Monday 12 December 2011

Don't worry about a thing

Tiredness overwhelms me today......

This morning I had to deal with a garage roof that was no longer doing the job it was required to do and letting in vast amounts of water instead.  A good deal of the stuff we store in there was soaked and ruined.  So instead of ticking off jobs that I had lined up, I was now going through all our stuff and either binning it or hopefully, saving it.  Getting it fixed was the next issue, but thankfully our landlord came out straight away.  Its been assessed and we've got someone lined up to fix it now, but it won't be for a week yet.......lets hope this rain doesn't stay too long.

I know I shouldn't allow these worries to get to me.....but I did today, perhaps because I was tired?

I decided to look in a book, that shares a spiritual message for each day of the year, to see what todays reading is and see what insight it could offer me.

The book is called 'The Golden Present' - Sri Swami Satchidananda

Reading for 12th December


Don't worry about a thing.  Worry never brings any benefit to anyone.  On the other hand, It spoils even the little you might do.  There is a beautiful saying I read on a calendar page many years ago.  It said "Sorrow is nothing but what you borrow."  Nobody is going to give you that.  You go and borrow it.  If you don't care to borrow it, there's no sorrow for you.  That's all.  You are the cause of your worry.  Remember, worry is not going to bring anything to us.  On the other hand, it will sap away even the little energy, the little capacity, that we may have.  A worried doctor cannot operate, you all know that.  A worried student cannot write an exam.  Go with confidence.  Just say "I'm doing all that I can.  That's it"
We make things change.  Everything takes it's own time.  We are in a hurry to change things.  We want everything instantaneously.  Allow nature to have it's say.  Nature is God.  Let our lives be filled with trust in the higher will.  Whether it is an individual, or an organisation, or a nation, or the whole globe, let it go smoothly in it's own time.

Moon - Waning Gibbous 85%

Yoga - Didn't happen - dealing with garage roof!!!

Card Message - Eight of Swords
Restriction, Potential for Liberation
You may feel as if you are a victim of circumstances, or another person.  Confusion, fear and loneliness.  Potential for completion.  Your sense of being trapped may stem from your beliefs or attitude - just as the mind imprisons, so it can set us free.  The hardest situations in life often present the greatest spiritual rewards.

On this Day - Our Lady of Guadeloupe (Catholic )
Celebrated by Roman Catholics throughout Central and South America who honour the Empress of the Americas

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