Friday 9 December 2011

Stay Grounded

Stay Grounded  

My yoga teacher often themes our yoga classes with a teaching or lesson which unfolds with the practise of the asanas and pranyama, and last weeks lesson was a gift.

Staying grounded!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its easy to get swept off your feet at a fast pace with all that life presents, especially at this time of year.  Christmas can be overwhelming to say the very least,  there is list upon endless list of things to do, presents to buy, dates to make, christmas cards to send, queues and queues of people in shops, food to prepare etc etc, its making me giddy just writing this blog!!  It can leave you feeling light headed, confused, tired and if this state of frenzy goes unchecked it can lead to tension and I know I can safely hold my hand up and say that I've been there.

So to counteract this the best thing to do is to ground yourself, feel your feet firmly planted on the ground and take your awareness to them.  Don't allow your awareness back up into the flighty, dizzy feeling in your head, but concentrate on your connection with the earth.  Slow down too, and take some deep slow breaths.  Or even imagine roots from the soles of your feet going deep down into the earth, deeper and deeper and then feel the earth energy coming back up through your feet into your whole body.

Yoga is great for grounding, it definitely works for me and I would recommend it for everyone x

Moon  - Waxing Gibbous 94%

Yoga - Konasana, Prasarita Paddotanasana, Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Gomukha Virasana, Kakasana, Urdhva Kapotasana, Jathara Parivartanasana, Navasana, Purvottanasana, Vat Nari Sansthan Shaktiva, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Balasana.

Card Message - Five of Swords (Air, thinking, intellect & mind)
Defeat, Blame  and Communication Breakdown
You may be involved in a quarrel and feel as if you're losing the battle.  Perhaps you've been subjected to humiliation, abuse of malicious gossip.  Use of underhand tactics.  You maybe blaming someone or they are blaming you, or jealousy and envy may be surfacing.  Some things need to get better before they get worse.
(Note to self - I always seem to pick up a lot of sword cards)

On this Day - The Jewish Festival of Hannukah begins today

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