Thursday 15 December 2011

Turning the negatives into positives

There are a lot of good 'sayings' out there and this is one of them.....'Turning the negatives into positives'.

There are lots of times in life that something negative befalls you, and you find yourself resentful of having to deal with it - maybe you feel you didn't deserve it.  We can certainly have days like this, when nothing seems to go right, no matter how hard you wish it otherwise.

Take for example this very blog I'm writing.......

I wrote it all earlier today, but I forgot to save it and now I'm having to remember it all again!! Am I upset, well yeah....a little, but I know that now I'm writing it again, it will be better - a revised version.

There are always different ways to look at any given situation, it's just that when you're in the middle of it, you don't always see all angles.  These different viewpoints give you a better understanding of 'the whole picture', where as usually we only see and feel what is effecting us.  It is better to understand the whole situation and all sides, for then we can truly understand what it is that we have chosen to learn from it. 

There are many, many negative situations that I have encountered thus far in my life and I have found that if I can find the positive aspect in the negative quagmire, it gives me the confidence and strength to stride forth and accept the challenge. 
You have to make things work for you, don't cling to the negative thoughts of 'poor me', focus of the positive ones like 'I can get through this'.  It's all learning......and if we carry a happy heart through life then we can overcome anything we choose. X

Moon - Waning Gibbous 65%

Yoga - Tadasana, Earth Gratitude Sequence, Sarvangasana, Bhujangasana, Balasana, Vrikshasana, Baddhaknoasana, Kurmasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana.

Card Message - Rebirth
You hear the call and awaken to the night light of day.  You have entered the darkness and drunk of the cup of silence.  You have chosen life and emerge reborn.
Following a call. New direction. Renewal. Transformation. Decision-making.
The Power of the Call - You may have heard the call of your vocation, your mission in life, the spiritual path you are seeking, or simply the call of a new direction you need to take.  Rebirth into a life that is more fully your own.  You may have come to a crossroads in your life, and a decision is required that will take you in a new direction.

15th December - Alcyone/Halcyon days commence/Eygptian Day
The Greek goddess Alcyon was symbolised by a Kingfisher.  Her feast day marks the beginning of Halcyon days, seven before and seven after the Winter Solstice.  In ancient Greece, these were days when the sea was smooth, a time of peace when the Kingfisher could hatch her egg.

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