Thursday 2 February 2012

External Spring Clean

External Spring Clean

Seeing as I'm in the mood for Spring cleaning, and of course it's the season and the the Sabbat of Imbolc, I've decided to do some external spring cleaning too.

Just as I've been feeling recently that my energy has been sluggish and stagnant, before I did a bout of internal spring cleaning, so does my house too.  It looks tired and tatty, so I've stripped everything of mine off the walls and out of the's really odd but I can see that most, if not all of the accessories and art is mine - and now the house looks bare!!
It just goes to show that that even though all these things are just stuff, material objects that I shouldn't get attached to,  and I don't.  They are also an extension of me, a reflection of who I am, the walls and house included, and that like all people, we like to create spaces of comfort and happiness, places and rooms that affect and reflect who we are.  So

So now everything is down, it's time to clean and paint, to declutter and space clear, and show some love to the beautiful spaces and rooms that I've chosen as home for now.  I'm quite eager to revisit a little of the Feng Shui that I used to follow, when putting everything back in, so I can maximise the positive energies and get them to flow freely through this space....
......I looking forward to creating this sanctuary, inside and out.   X

Moon - Waxing Gibbous 66%

Yoga -  Tadasana, Marjaryasana, Trikonasana, Goddess, Malasana, Stir the Pot, Adho Mukha Svanasana (with leg raises), Pashimottanasana.

Card Message - The World
Dancing, I am life.  Whole, I am One.

2nd February - Juno Februa/ Candlemas/ Wives' Feast Day/ Groundhog Day
Festival of Juno Februa, the presiding goddess of the month, and Candlemas, the purification of the Virgin.  The weather on this day is said to mark the progress of winter;

If Candlemas Day be fair and bright,
Winter will have another flight;
If on Candlemas Day be shower and rain,
Winter is gone, and will not come again.

An old northern English name of Candlemas is the Wives' Feast Day.

Gratitude - Friends

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