Thursday 9 February 2012

Celebrating Women

So there I am, stood in the kitchen cooking tea, sorting through piles of washing, and still in my overalls.....after painting two rooms. That was just this afternoon!!! This morning was a 5.30 start, meditation and absent healing, then yoga, getting breakfast into my youngest, and then a dog walk....all before mantra.
This is how it is. This is how it always been, not just for me, but many women.
We spend a lot of time juggling many different things that need to be checked off the daily, monthly, and yearly checklists. 

So this got me thinking about women, about how well we are at coping and dealing with anything that comes our way, about how adept we are at turning our hands to almost anything at the drop of a hat, and about how special we are!!!

Women are strong, but it's a different strength to men''s a inner strength, a vulnerable feminine power that boasts tenacity, harmony, peace and love, these are attributes that are resolute within women's spirits.  These characteristics have seen women through many of the hardships and persecutions laid upon us over the centuries, and has seen us triumph at many challenges set before us. 

From the ease we have of building communities, within peoples, so we can share responsibilities, help one another and give support to each other and our men.  To the magic of giving birth to new life, and through doing so, we to are born into the role of motherhood. 

We are warriors, priestesses, counsellors, nurses, wise women, activists and campaigners, seductresses, home makers, gurus, pioneers, muses, scientists and most important of all....loving, caring, and nurturing souls.

So next time you're having doubts about your ability to achieve something, draw on your feminine strength, and remember that you are part of a long chain of strong women. 

I dedicate this blog to my mum and all my female ancestors and also to all my female friends, I love you all X

Moon - Waning Gibbous 85%

Yoga - Tadasana, Marjaryasana, Moondance Sequence with Goddess pose, Setu Bandhasana, Prayer Twist

Card Message - The Lovers
At every moment you have a choice.  Love is at the heart of all life.  All creation is born out of love.

9th January - Apollo/St Apollonia
Feast day of Apollo, deity of the sun,  It celebrates the increasing light of the new year after the darkness of midwinter.

Gratitude - Love

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