Friday 22 June 2012

My Solstice Day

3.15am the alarm went off, and in that instant I asked myself 'Was I insane, to be getting up at warp time'? Especially as the weather was stormy!! I wasn't going to let that stop me, so up I got. Quick bit of running around and gathering things up, before I picked up a lift with a really good friend. Seaward we were bound....Calshot Castle, with a view out to the east. We knew there was little chance of seeing an actual sunrise, but that didn't matter, it was the being there.
So windswept and blown about we made our way up to the castle and waited. After a few moments there was a definite brightening on the horizon, in the dark blue and grey sky, a hazy dome was rising up from the sea. The light filtering through the clouds gave a strange half light, making everything look otherworldly. Although there was no visible sun, it was still very beautiful, and felt very powerful. I looked out to sea and watched the choppy waves create shapes and forms, mermaids sprang to mind, and as I watched, I felt I was being watched back. When I spoke to my friend of the mermaids, she was amazed, as she had been thinking the same thing.
As the sun rose the wind dropped and waters calmed. We walked on down the stony beach and made our way out on to a spit, to the most easterly point we could. At the end of the spit we paid our tribute to solar energies, by creating two very distinct stone mandalas on the sandy ground.
After some time of contemplation we slowly made our way back, stopping twice to gather some rather eye catching driftwood.
A picnic breakfast rounded off the morning venture, Yogi teas, wild strawberries, raw balls, and salad was the perfect finish. It such a lovely experience, and a very relaxed way to wake up to the day ahead.
Later on that day I created a space in the garden for my driftwood. It reminded me of a totem pole, so of course I had to have it standing. A spot was found, a hole dug, it was a perfect fit. So after filling in, I planted Nigella around it, and covered the topsoil in blue second creative tribute to the sun.
Once out in the garden, it was hard to stop. So I managed planting out quite a few plants, including two Willows. Tired and hungry, I came back indoors, and finished the day off with a lovely meal.
It was a beautiful and blessed day.


  1. It sounds like a magical day! Let me also say thankyou for your kind Tweets, I'm feeling much better now thanks. :)
    Jess xx

  2. I had my TL a little more than a year ago when my third child was born via c-section. I was not told ANYTHING about the possible side effects of having this procedure. Since then I have experienced heavy bleeding lasting sometimes 3 weeks out of the month, weight gain, severe mood swings. Severe cramping, changes to my libido, severe depression accompanied by suicidal thoughts, headaches, migraines, many new symptoms & older issues are now exacerbated. The father of two of my children doesn't want me anymore. I've become too much of a pain in the ass I guess. We don't talk. We don't sleep in the same bed. I think he might really think I am crazy... & maybe I am. I feel crazy a lot of the time.
    I'm unpredictable. I feel so angry about the whole thing & now what was once a mild fear of doctors has exploded into full on white coat syndrome that causes me to have a panic attack/hypertensive emergency (severe increase in blood pressure) whenever I have to deal with them. I'm not sure what to do... I fear the next time I have to see a doctor I'll have a stroke or a heart attack from the stress & anxiety of it... what do I do? I take my time and keep searching on internet looking for natural healing that how I came across Dr Itua herbal center website and I was so excited when Dr Itua told me to calm down that he will help me with his natural remedy I put my hope on him so I purchase his herbal medicines which was shipped to my address I used it as prescribed guess what? I'm totally healed my cramp pain is gone completely I also used his Anti Bacteria herbal medicines it's works for me very well I want anyone with health problem to contact Dr Itua herbal center for any kind diseases remedies such as Parkinson, Herpes, ALS, MS, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Hiv/Aids,Cancers, Men & Women Infertility, I got his email address he has any kind of herbal remedies for women & men also for our babes. I really miss my Hunni...he's a fantastic father & a good man. He doesn't deserve this. I feel like an empty shell of who I used to be.
