Dowsing for Energy
So ok, I've just bought myself a pair of dowsing rods, as I promised myself, and I'm trying them out! My main focus initially is to dowse for pockets or lines of earth energy. I'm hoping that this will take me on a journey, one that will bring me closer still to the earth....this bountiful planet that supports us all. I love all kinds of nature, and the earth is nature......the magic and science behind it all, is nature too! I want to feel the earth energy, to be part of it and also to help heal the earth, where man has depleted it of all it's goodness.
So with this in mind, a pair of rods and no book (lots of help on the internet though), I'm setting off on a journey with no expectations and plenty of enthusiam.
This is where I started with a little info on ley lines......
The current definition of a Ley-line according to http// is as follows:
'Ley lines are hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. Their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, whose book 'The Old Straight Track' brought the alignments to the attention of the wider public'.
Ley lines are often marked along the way by markers (ley markers), these could be ancient earthworks (mounds, long-barrows, cairns, Dolmens, standing stones, mark-stones, stone circles, henges), or water-markers (moats, ponds, springs, fords, wells), castle, beacon-hills, bhurches, bross-roads, notches in hills, and camps (Hill-forts).
There are many theories on their purpose, from funeral path (transporting the dead), spirit paths and fairy paths.
The art of Feng Shui is the study of the earth's electro magnetic field, practitioners determined the current - 'Lung-mei' or Dragon currents, then the placements of buildings, furniture, plants were carefully considered to enable this current to flow freely.
We know that often ley lines make astronomical alignments, one of the largest Leys in England, the so-called St. Michaels Ley, is aligned along the path of the sun on the 8th of May (The spring festival of St. Michael) and can therefore be considered astronomical. Geometric lines and shapes have also been discovered and documented. Other cultures knew of ley lines too, the Mayans had the'Sache', the Incas had the 'Ceques', and the Aborigines had the 'Turginas'.
Some roads seem to follow leys, or rather the roads were built over or next to the leylines. It seems that many of these long straight roads and tracks, that we had previously thought of as Roman are actually older than that, and are possibly running along leys.
Obviously all these fact are about the known lines and the energy points along them.....but I'm sure that the UK is covered with lots of lesser lines, ones that haven't been found, ones that aren't giving out the scale of energy that St. Michaels Ley is perhaps, but are there all the same.....waiting to be discovered.....waiting to be honoured, cherished and cared for. So thats my journey....I hope I discover lots of interesting things....and I hope I can find some energy points and lines, to be able to respect, learn and heal the earth.
Whatever I find I'm sure it will be amazing X
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Healing Mother Earth |
Moon - Waning Gibbous 82%
Yoga - Tadasana, Parsvottanasana, Uttchita Parsvokonasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Natarajasana, Marjaryasana/Bitilasana, Vasisthasana, Sarvangasana, Shalabhasana, Baddhakonasana, Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana & Ujjayi.
Card Message - Queen of Pentacles
A calling to voluntary or charitable work, or to working with the the powers of the land - particularly those related to the 'fire in the earth' of dragon, or ley lines.
11th January - Cartmentalia/Juturna/Plough Monday
First festival of the Roman Cartmentalia, celebrating the nymphs of prophecy known as the Camenae, who are identified with all nine Muses. The chief of these was Carmentis, the goddess of prophecy, who also protected women in childbirth. Also on this day Juturna, divinity of fountains and prophetic waters and patroness of all who work with water, was worshipped in Ancient Rome. Also [Plough Monday, traditionally a day for returning to work in the fields.
Gratitude - Positivity
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