Over the last couple of years I've paid more attention to what is going on out there, with regards to meteor showers, moon phases and viewable planets. Unfortunately over the last few months the moon has been fairly full during the time of some of the U.K.'s best meteor showers so its been very difficult to see anything at all. The last ones we saw were back in October, they were the Draconids. Tonight and tomorrow are the Geminids, and although the moon is still bright, astronomers reckon we will still be able to see some. I cross my fingers and hope so...... X
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A drawing of a meditation I did a while ago, where we explored the cosmos |
Yoga - Tadasana, Star, Ardha, Chandrasana, Shashankasana, Moondance, Moon balance, Urhava Ashva Svanasana, Balasana
Card Message - The Moon
Fear is a owerful teacher and ally. If you can walk through the gates of fear you will arive at the realm of the gddess, who will bless you with inner vision.
Psychic awakening, Dreams, Deep Revelation of Feminine Mysteries, Withdrawel, Facing Fears
Change, imagination and creativity. A difficult emotional journey ahead. Any loneliness or confusion you feel will pass as this phase reaches its natural completion. Becoming aware of the material from the unconscious - although upsetting, this could help your creative process. Let yourself be guided by trust and you will pass through your fear to emerge stronger. Inagination, fantasy, vision and creative work.
On this Day - Ides of December/St Lucy/Little Yule/Runic half month of Jara commences
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